
Revival and Persecution

Revival and Persecution

Revival and Persecution arrive together. What caused the early Church to expand beyond Jerusalem? How did this Pentecostal Fire 2000 years later, reach you and I? The persecution of the early church caused the greatest missionary revival ever seen. Without this persecution, the early church would’ve stayed in Jerusalem, instead it compelled it to go into all the world.

The Glory and the Fire of God, Part 1

The Glory and the Fire of God, Part 1

Seeing the problems in the world today, I want to look at what happened in those famous verses, so often linked with revival, when Solomon had finished building the Temple. 2 Chronicles 5.13-14 tells us, when the musicians were as one, praising and thanking the Lord, and saying, “He is good and His mercy endures forever,” – the House was filled with a cloud, so that the priests could not stand to minister, for the Glory of the Lord had filled the House!

You need more of the Holy Spirit!

You need more of the Holy Spirit!

You need more of the Holy Spirit! I will never be satisfied, I will always be seeking more of God, more of the Power of the Holy Spirit in my life. Every time I minister, I'm asking the Holy Spirit for a deeper understanding and revelation.

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is life transforming

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is life transforming

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is life transforming! When I was baptised in the Holy Spirit, there were others with me who were baptised at the same time – but where was the change in their life? For me it was an explosion! Of Power!

The Church alive with the Fire of God

The Church alive with the Fire of God

We need a Church on Fire! Filled with the Power of God! We need another Pentecost! We need another outpouring of the Holy Spirit! We must declare the Glory, the Majesty and the Power of God – and through this will come salvation! In Acts 2 verse 21, Peter says, 'Whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord, shall be saved!' If we call on the Name of the Lord we shall be delivered from sickness, from sin, from fear… The Church today needs that kind of salvation! The Church is constrained by fear. The Church needs to see the Power of God. Because, whosoever – in the Church – will really call upon the Name of the Lord, they will see the Power of God revealed! O God, open our eyes, give us a vision – and let us see Your Glory, in Jesus’ Name! Amen!

You WILL receive a baptism of Power and Fire

You WILL receive a baptism of Power and Fire

You WILL receive a baptism of Fire and Power! My whole ministry has been about the Fire and Power of the Holy Ghost! I want to talk from Acts 1.8 – this is the beginning for the Church, these are Christ’s last Words before He leaves His disciples and before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. He’s telling them, preparing them, warning them for what is going to happen.

Driven by a Prophetic Vision

Driven by a Prophetic Vision

A Prophetic Vision is so important. I’m DRIVEN by a vision. DRIVEN by the vision God has showed me. My whole ministry, Eurovision, is literally a vision of Europe won for Christ! As Christians we talk a lot about revival – but I want to show you from Proverbs 29.18 that, without a clear vision, we won’t see revival. Revival begins from God as a manifestation of the Holy Spirit – but it usually comes because of someone’s vision in prayer. The whole of my life, right from the beginning, has been motivated by the vision God gave me of what He was going to do. And He has fulfilled everything! Prophecy is when God puts something in your spirit, and which you speak out, and it will happen in years to come. Vision is when God gives you a clear vision of what He and you can do together – and you have to go out and do it! Somebody has to get out there and fulfil the vision, fulfil the prophecy. This is the challenge of Proverbs 29.18, where there is no vision, the people will perish! Get a vision, act on it and God will be with you!

The Power of Revival

The Power of Revival

We need the FIRE of God to fall afresh on us! We often say of people who are very enthusiastic that they are ‘fiery’! Come on! We need to have some of that FIRE that came on the first Day of Pentecost! Look at Acts 4.33, ‘With GREAT POWER the Apostles witnessed to the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus!’ Look, these men were not educated, nor religious – their ONLY Power and Authority was the Holy Spirit and Jesus! What we need, what I pray for – is a spiritual awakening that will bring back the FIRE AND THE POWER into the Church. We need Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit. We need a renewal of this experience in the Church! O God, grant it in Jesus’ Name! Amen!

What is faith and how do we use it?

What is faith and how do we use it?

What is faith and how do we use it? Here in the UK they classify all religious groups, whatever they are, as ‘people of faith’. This only means that they have a religious faith of some kind. It doesn’t relate to faith as I understand it from the Bible. I’m not going to give you a dictionary definition, but I’m trying to deal with the kind of faith which, for me, is a personal experience which works and sees miracles happening! I’m trying explain what faith REALLY is, how to appropriate it, how to use it, how to put it into ACTION. Faith is the motive that drives me, faith is the Power that I receive from God to see miracles! Without faith it is impossible to please God! I have discovered that if I want to please God, I have to let my faith loose, I’ve got to go out and DO these things. That’s what pleases God! Come on! This is what pleases God! To go out in faith and to do the impossible!