Christmas Greetings

Dear Friends and Partners in the Gospel,

The Gospel message simply means the ‘Good News’, so let’s concentrate on the good news today! Jesus is very much alive and not affected by the coronavirus! In this coming season we are celebrating the Birth of a Saviour – the bringing of Salvation – a personal message from God Himself of a new relationship between God and man – a personal message of deliverance and healing! We welcome the messenger, He’s not an angel, a star or even a prophet, but God’s very own Son – and an open door for us now to be able to actually enter into Heaven – but even before that, for us to be part of God’s Kingdom on earth now, but which will one day, be ruled over by Jesus Himself!

Yes, we will have had the Covid-19 virus for a year, but the message of the Gospel for 2000 years! We or our loved ones may have been affected by the virus, but this only affects our mortal bodies, the Gospel affects us not only for our whole mortal lifetime, but for eternity!

The greatest and most positive message this Christmas is not the coming of the vaccine against a virus, but the gift of the forgiveness of our sin and an extension of our lives into an eternity with Christ! We need to get things into perspective!!! So let us rejoice and be glad now, and into the New Year!

Just like you, for me this Christmas is not like last year when I could meet with all my family, including grandchildren and great grandchildren. I will be limited to being with just two of my daughters, their husbands and just two of my grandchildren!

But separation is not a problem – love is greater than distance! Just as it is with Jesus! I shall not see Jesus in the flesh this year, and hopefully not for many years, but this only strengthens the relationship and love He has for me and I for Him! Our work is actually increasing under lockdown, we can show you the video links to our ongoing ministry to the Holocaust survivors and the lonely in Israel, and to the victims of the ongoing war in Eastern Ukraine where we are distributing food, Bibles and the Gospel through this difficult time. Click here to read the reports.

I have received personal messages from the Bishops in Ukraine, thanking you as donors and me for the future prospect of not only another National Day of Prayer in Kiev, but the largest evangelism ever in Ukraine in this coming year. Also from Poland we have received a very special and personal message from the Metropolitan Archbishop, thanking you for what is still being achieved, even under Covid, towards a Spiritual Awakening through the Holy Spirit as a result of the work being done and supported by your donations, as we prepare for the largest and most powerful evangelism ever seen in Poland next year.

In addition, in 2020 we have increased our ministry here in the UK and across Europe. We have increased our TV coverage and every possible outreach. Under lockdown I am preaching more powerfully with an exposition of Scripture based, not on theory, but on the powerful experience of over 70 years of miracle ministry throughout Europe, the former Soviet Union and Asia. I never forget what the Lord said to me almost 60 years ago, “Stop preaching, go out and do all the things you tell others to do, and don’t come back until you have done them!” I went, and I have come back with a powerful revelation – that’s why my ministry today is so important! My new book. ‘Power through Fire’, is selling very fast, special offer £5 plus p&p, or two for £10 post free!

However, reflecting the difficult times, our donation income has dropped whilst our expenditure is greatly increasing. Please make a special offering this Christmas as your gift to the Lord, a one-off special, even sacrificial! You can give by phone, by credit card, by bank transfer, or by cheque. For details on how to make a special year-end gift click here.

Thank you,


Because of your support through prayer and finance the Gospel is preached each week on TV, Radio, Podcast and Online in multiple languages, & Russian Holocaust survivors and their families living in Israel receive humanitarian and spiritual support. And in the last few weeks, representatives of our ministry in Ukraine shared the Gospel and distributed Bibles in Slovyansk, which is part of a highly militarised zone of Ukraine. Thank you!