October Humanitarian Aid Distribution in Ukraine

Dear Friends,

First of all, we want to thank you for your prayers and very precious support. 

All the members of our team are safe, we continue the work and service, and concentrate our efforts on the upcoming victory. Current challenges make us only stronger and reinforce our faith. 

We had a special privilege to serve in the recently liberated cities of Ukraine on the East/North, literally days after the enemy had been expelled and the flag of Ukraine was erected on that land again! Our dear survivors had very open hearts, they shared their experience of living under occupation and what strengthened their hope and confidence that they would be reunited with their Ukrainian family again.

Below you will find a report we are pleased to submit to you as you are vital members of our international team. Only together we can hold such missions of mercy which require all our unity, but what a great fruit, to be help, encouragement and comfort, to give bread and spiritual bread, Bibles to our brothers and sisters who remained so faithful. 

Thank you for your unwavering support,

With prayers and gratitude from invincible Ukraine

Your Ukraine Team

Vadim and the Team
