March Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine

Dear Supporters,

Having united our efforts and prayers we have done together so much, sowing seeds of love, care, physical support, and healing Word, which can bring salvation to so many of our people surviving barbaric realities of Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Our Team evacuated people, delivered relief to the very frontline regions, we keep serving as chaplains, fighting for the freedom without guns, but often under very real risks. Yaroslav Pavenko, chaplain from Slavyansk, member of our regional team, gave his life but kept serving till the last minute. Real Warrior of Christ. Please remember his family in your prayers.

But also, God made so many smile and feel support, strengthened their hope, and opened hearts to the Word and Salvation.

We publish video reports on regular basis, but today want to share some pictures with very precious moments of what we are doing together.

May God be with you and in all we do to praise His Name!

Vadim and the Team
