over 500 days of mercy in Ukraine

Since the Russian invasion began on February 24th, 2022, we have been tirelessly engaged in social and relief work to support the people of Ukraine. These 500 days have been filled with challenges, but also with hope, resilience, and the unwavering determination to make a difference in the lives of those affected by the war.

In the early days of the conflict, as Russian troops surrounded Kyiv and occupied the Kyiv region, we immediately sprang into action. Evacuating people and providing basic assistance became our priority. We offered shelter in fortified basements within our own church buildings, ensuring the safety of those seeking refuge. Despite the risks involved, we trusted in the Lord and successfully rescued numerous individuals from the occupied territories.

Following the liberation of the Kyiv region, we shifted our focus to delivering relief aid and engaging in social work in Gostomel, Irpin, Bucha, Borodyanka, and other cities and villages. The devastation and destruction we witnessed were heart-wrenching, and the need for support was overwhelming. We distributed essential supplies such as food, hygiene products, fresh water, bread, fuel, gas, generators, and financial assistance. Moreover, we provided spiritual support and distributed Bibles, recognizing the profound impact of faith during such challenging times. Our dedication to this work was marked by sacrifice, as we navigated the region before it was officially accessible, braving unexploded shells scattered across the land. Our efforts in the Kyiv region continue to this day, as we respond to ongoing needs and requests.

The eastern part of Ukraine remained a volatile and critical area. With united efforts and unwavering faith, we conducted missions to the frontline cities, where damaged houses and people taking refuge in basements were a common sight. Transportation was a vital aspect of our missions, as the roads were severely damaged, and the distances were considerable. Utilizing minibuses, we delivered a wide range of relief supplies, including financial assistance, energy support with generators and most importantly, we offered crucial spiritual support, care and love. This support, which often transcended monetary value, brought comfort and solace to those who had witnessed unimaginable horrors. Collaborating with chaplains, who play a pivotal role in reaching the frontline, we were able to access critically affected areas without weapons but with a fortitude equal to that of Ukraine's defenders.

In addition to our efforts in war-affected regions, we have consistently collaborated with churches, seminaries, and organizations to implement social projects in Kyiv and Western Ukraine. These projects focus on assisting refugees, internally displaced individuals, orphans, and children from vulnerable families, aiming to bring love and positive change into their lives. Presently, we are receiving and satisfying numerous requests for generators from the flooded Kherson region where Russians have blown up the Kahovska Dam, as well as food assistance, as the damage to infrastructure and the well-being of the people is extensive. Through prayer and action, we remain steadfast in our belief that the victims of this illegal invasion will receive the much-needed support they deserve.

One of our greatest privileges is to foster unity within the nation through the organization and coordination of the National Days of Prayer for Ukraine. Since 2016, this national-level ministry has had a profound impact, uniting millions of believers from various Christian confessions. Even amidst the war, the Days of Prayer have continued and took place on June 10th, 2023 in BUCHA, a place of the most cruel atrocities and war crimes, but it served as a source of encouragement, strengthening the faith and hope of the Ukrainian people, and spreading spiritual influence throughout the entire nation. Thousands of people united in sincere unity and powerful prayers were pouring out of one big Ukrainian heart.

As Ukraine moves forward, both before and after achieving victory, it will require steadfast support. Living in times of war entails not only resisting the enemy and fighting for freedom but also defending the values that define us against all odds. The Ukrainian nation, its defenders, and its survivors have become symbols of heroism and unwavering commitment to their peaceful values. They embody the strength and resilience of a nation that refuses to be swayed by the enemy it faces.

We want to express our deepest gratitude for the privilege of spreading mercy and compassion throughout the nation. We are humbled by the opportunity to stand alongside the people of Ukraine and share in their unwavering values. It is through our collective efforts and shared commitment that we can make a lasting impact on the lives of those affected by the war.

As we reflect on these 500 days of social and relief work, we are reminded of the immense challenges we have overcome and the lives we have touched. However, our journey is far from over. The road to recovery and rebuilding is still long, and the need for support remains great. We are steadfast in our dedication to continue serving the people of Ukraine, standing alongside them as they rebuild their lives and their nation.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all our partners, supporters, and volunteers who have tirelessly worked alongside us, making this ministry of mercy possible. Your commitment and generosity have made a significant difference in the lives of countless individuals and communities.

As we look to the future, we do so with hope and determination. We remain committed to our mission of providing social and relief assistance, fostering unity, and spreading God's love and compassion in Ukraine. Together, we will continue to be a beacon of hope, standing strong in the face of adversity.

Thank you once again for your unwavering support and for sharing the same values that drive us. May our collective efforts bring healing, restoration, and a brighter future for the people of Ukraine.

With sincere gratitude,

Your Ukraine Team
