Azerbaijan Ministry Report January 2025

This was my first visit to Azerbaijan which, like Georgia and Armenia, is a part of South Caucasus - all are former member countries of the old USSR where Christians were persecuted for their faith.

Permission to hold an evangelistic event here in the capital Baku is a breakthrough in a country where 80% of the population are 'born Moslem'. Our invitation came from a young thriving church, 6 years old: Azerbaijani converts on fire for the Gospel! Most came to Christ through a powerful encounter with Him, with miracles of healing to confirm the calling. In six years this church has lived through extreme persecution, and only through this has acceptance and respect come. Right now, the government greets Christians on public holidays. As Pastor Emil told me, "It's a very special time for our country, we expect a miracle, we must go through the open door!"

Our three evangelistic meetings were held in a packed Cultural Centre - filled to overflowing on the 3rd night! Before communism came, banning all forms of religion, this building had been a Lutheran Missionary Church. The sense of God's energy, the dynamic Power of the Holy Spirit, was palpable throughout all three meetings - it was a breakthrough! The worship, preaching and the miracles of healing were broadcast live online. 

The Spirit of God is moving in Power! As well as the unbelievers who packed the meetings, leaders from all Azerbaijan and also from Georgia and Central Asia attended. We all sense a powerful revival is breaking out in the whole of this vast and neglected region and, together, we are uniting our efforts and acting fast - whilst the door is open.

The time to evangelise is now.