Jesus never fails

God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.” So we can say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?” (Hebrews 13:5-6)

I have learned after more than fifty years of ministry that God always answers prayer. I want to encourage you. God never fails, He cannot fail. But to get the answer at the right hour we have to be ready, we have to be obedient and God will answer - at the last minute. In my life God so often answers one minute before midnight. One minute before the crisis erupts. We have many kinds of problems, many different needs, but I believe in miracles. Every act of God is a miracle. The power of God is a miracle, because it is something man cannot do.

Walk on by faith

We must go by faith, in obedience to what God is telling us to do. And God always makes a way. I have learned that everything God does is a miracle! If it is not a miracle, then you or I could do it! In my life I know it is God working when the totally impossible happens! Whatever the problem, God never, ever fails - it’s impossible! The day God fails, He’s no longer God. It’s in God’s Word, it’s His character. He’s the God of miracles! Yes, I have problems - these mean I spend much time in prayer and fasting. Why? Because you cannot have miracles without first having problems! Every problem drives me to prayer which then brings another miracle! But people aren’t prepared to pay the price. And because they don’t want the problems, they don’t see the miracles.

Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory

So many people look at all the marvellous inventions of history as proof that we don’t need God. But I want to tell you that the greatest power on earth today is the power of God. Nobody can do what God can do! As Jesus taught us to proclaim: ‘Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory.’ Why did God send His Son into the world? He sent Jesus to demonstrate two things: firstly, that He has power on earth to work miracles. And secondly, that He can forgive sin. The working of miracles is the evidence of the forgiveness of sin.

A God of miracles

God is always a God of miracles! Yes, I have experienced the power of God in my life! Not some emotional experience in a conference, but step by step walking closer to God - my teenage cry for fire, the cancer, the prison - and many other problems and miracles. What will it be next time, what will happen this year? I still don’t have enough power, still not satisfied that God has answered me fully, what will it be next? All I know is that it is step by step, and I have not reached the end of the road yet!

‘Bread of Life’ by