Why I believe Brexit is God's will

I believe the EU is the fulfilment of a vision seen by the prophet Daniel and that the outcome of EU referendum is good news for Christians. Let me explain why.

Jesus taught us to pray earnestly for God’s will to be done: after the result of the EU Referendum two years ago, we must now believe that Brexit is part of God's plan both for us as Christians and the British nation as a whole. We desperately need to continue to pray for unity in a nation divided, but also that God will bring a spirit of repentance and forgiveness on both sides. I believe that prophetically this is God's way forward for us as a nation to take a lead in returning to Biblical standards in Europe, free from the secularism of the French Revolution and Napoleonic law.

I believe that the prayers of so many of God’s people has set us free from an ungodly yoke which has marginalised Christian faith

Just as the preaching of John and Charles Wesley saved us from the French Revolution and our National Days of Prayer called by King George VI during the darkest days of the last war saved us from Hitler, I believe that the prayers of so many of God's people will set us free from an ungodly yoke which has marginalised Christian faith, made it almost impossible to teach our children the truth of the Word of God regarding marriage between one man and one woman and teach the acceptability of sex change to very young children. Under the guise of 'human rights' legislation, the EU has also sought to prevent us from openly testifying of our faith in Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation.

I believe the EU is the fractured fulfilment of the final empire of Daniel’s vision (the feet in Daniel 2:33). We must return to our Judeo/Christian heritage and resist the encroachment of secularism and false religion. One could ask whether the sudden resignation after the EU Referendum of Prime Minister Cameron who supported ungodly laws, such as the legalisation of same sex marriage upon our nation, was indeed God’s judgement and a challenge to restore true biblical values not only in politics but also the Church.

We must return to our Judeo/Christian heritage and resist the encroachment of secularism and false religion.

Originally published June 2016, shortly after the EU Referendum result was announced.