Prepare the Way of the Lord

He said: “I am ‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Make straight the way of the LORD,” ’ as the prophet Isaiah said.” (John 1:23)

Just as John the Baptist prepared the Way of the Lord, so I sense that WE have to prepare the Way for His Second Coming. I sense that responsibility. I see this as essential in my ministry, not just simple evangelism, but we HAVE to fulfil the role of John the Baptist – and prepare for His Coming again. Aged nearly 90, I’m not slowing down, I’m still working, incredibly busy, God is working, and I’m going to continue – 2022 is going to be the busiest year of my life!

I am moved when I read Mark 1.1, simply, “The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” But continues in v2, “As it is written in the prophets, I send a messenger before Your Face, who will prepare Your Way before You, the voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the Way of the Lord.’” This is a reference to John the Baptist. There HAD to come someone before Christ to prepare the Way… John the Baptist HAD to come to make the announcement, to make the revelation that this Child that was born IS the Messiah. John HAD to prepare the Way. But we are now looking at the Second Coming of Messiah – we HAVE to prepare the Way by fulfilling the Great Commission.

You shall call Him Emmanuel, God with us! (Matthew 1:23)

To me, Jesus is with me all the time. I have children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren – we remember their birthdays – but the joy is not just their birth, but that they are living with me, living near me, one of my daughters and one of my granddaughters work with me in my office. It’s an ongoing relationship. We have an ongoing relationship with Jesus. We’re not trying to get along without Him. No! We do it WITH HIM. I live with Jesus, I work with Him, I talk to Him all the time, He is the Head of my ministry, He inspires me, instructs me. HE’S WITH ME! Not as a baby at Christmas. He’s with me as Lord and Master, Ruler, King – King of kings and Lord of lords. I declare this, because this is what He is to me! A living reality. He has not left us, He is present with us all the time. That’s why He promised us the Holy Spirit. He was present with Christ in Creation and in His birth. And I say to Him, “Holy Spirit, You know Jesus better than I do, better than any of us, You were with Him and in Him!” And through the Holy Spirit I have learnt so much more about Jesus. Jesus, the Man who came, the Son of God who came – the fulfilment of Prophecy – in visible, tangible form!