The Power of God revealed on earth

(Sermon filmed in February 2022, days before the Russian invasion of Ukraine)

Thirty years ago God gave me a prophetic vision concerning Russia and Ukraine. It was in 1986 that God spoke clearly. He told me that the Iron Curtain that had separated East and West Europe for so long would be melted by the Power of the Holy Spirit and that a new great move of the Spirit would sweep across the whole of Europe, uniting East and West, that this would not be an act of man, but a sovereign act of God moving in such demonstration that we would recognize it as only God's Power. But He also warned me that time to evangelise would be limited; that after a period of freedom a new Wall would come. God said: “Time is short. Another ‘curtain’ will fall across Europe: by economic collapse, by military might and by spiritual force. The Body of Christ must rise up in intercession and spiritual warfare long enough for Europe to be saved. Satan is already defeated because Christ has won the victory. Revival is God’s promise, because He said, ‘In the last days I will pour out My Spirit.’”

Whenever God tells me something He always expects me to 'put my feet where my mouth is' and act. The vision and prophecy began to be fulfilled when, in 1988, I organised and held a great East-West Conference in Karlsruhe, West Germany. Four thousand attended, but the miracle was six hundred delegates actually crossed through the Iron Curtain! This was indeed prophetic of what was to come. I thought I had done my part, but God challenged me to hold another East-West Conference in Karlsruhe the following year, 1989, and to again publicly prophesy the fall of the Curtain. Within weeks of the ending of the conference the Wall began to collapse. God had fulfilled His Word!

From the collapse of the Wall, my programme of crusades and conferences intensified. I worked ceaselessly across the whole of Russia and Ukraine preaching the Revival Fire of God, exactly as He had told me to.

The Lord showed me a prophecy from Deuteronomy 4:32-34 that He would do something so powerful in Russian and Ukraine that the eyes of the world would be turned to see and marvel. So great would be the signs and wonders, that literally God says that we can ask from the beginning of time till now and from one side of Heaven to the other, from the East to the West, “Has God ever done such a great thing as this thing is?” What is about to happen would be the greatest demonstration of God’s power in all of history and it would be in the former Russian countries!

I asked Him, “How can I do it? No one will listen, they will not believe me and in any case, how can I win the whole of Russia?” His answer was to show me Moses from Exodus 4:1 where Moses asks the same questions and God answers that it would be by the signs and miracles, which is exactly what this book will demonstrate.