God will pour out His Spirit

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. (Acts 2:1-4, NIV.)

The Church began in the Acts of the Apostles with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It’s the story of the birth of the Church, how it was formed, how it developed – and I believe it’s how the Church should be today. I believe we should live as they lived in the Acts of the Apostles, in the same Power of the Holy Spirit – it’s the Power behind my ministry of evangelism. In Joel 2 the prophet speaks of the first rain and the last rain. I believe, and many would agree, this refers to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost when the church began, and now in these last days before Christ returns.

Acts begins in the period after the Resurrection, before His Ascension into Heaven, when Jesus was still appearing to His disciples. He tells them, wait in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit comes. Acts 1:8. Why? Because everything changed when the Holy Spirit came on the disciples at Pentecost! Look at Peter, after Jesus was arrested, when just a servant girl approached him – he was so afraid, he vehemently denied he knew Jesus. After Christ’s crucifixion, even after the Resurrection, there was a panic, what to do now? Peter’s idea was ‘let’s go fishing’! Yet when he received the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, it was Peter who was the first to leap up onto the roof of the building and preach Christ! Three thousand repented and were baptised! The Power Peter now had was in the Holy Spirit!

To go back ‘fishing’ was not God’s call on these men, it was an instinctive human reaction now Jesus was gone. Jesus KNEW they needed the Power and the Authority to do the job: it happened at Pentecost and should still happen today. The Power and Authority I have is through the Holy Spirit. I take and use that Power. I have Authority. Why? Because I have received the Pentecost experience myself. After my Dad spoke with me about the importance of the Holy Spirit, aged 14, I was praying and seeking for some time, a year, before I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. But when I did, immediately it transformed my experience – I led my teacher to Christ and two classmates went on to become preachers! Aged 15, God called me to give Him everything and live for Him alone! Aged 18 I went to Bible College, and after only 3 months was asked to pastor a church! I was the only student pastoring a church, full-time, the whole time I was in college! How could I do it? Not because of what I was learning in Bible College – it was what I received from the Holy Spirit! And though I was only a student, so many members of my congregation received the Holy Spirit whilst I was there, that my Dad said, I saw more receive the Holy Spirit in those 2 years, than he had in his whole life!

If you study the Acts of the Apostles, you see that Pentecost was not a one-off experience for a select few. It was for ALL who would believe. When Philip the deacon went to Samaria in Acts 8, he preached Christ with miracles following, and all who believed were baptised in water – but the Holy Spirit had not fallen on any of them. When Peter and John heard this, they came down from Jerusalem to lay hands on the new believers so that they would receive the Holy Spirit also. This was such a clear event, so powerful, that Simon the sorcerer offered Peter money to get this same gift of laying hands on people... Peter rebuked him saying, “Your money perish with you!”

Later in Acts 18:24-19:6, we find a man called Apollos, ‘mighty in the Scriptures’, who was preaching Christ ‘accurately’, but only knew the ‘baptism of John’ – water baptism – he had not received the Holy Spirit. Priscilla and Aquila, friends of Paul, seeing this, explained the way more fully to him. But when later Paul came, he found some who presumably had come to Christ through Apollos’ earlier teaching. He asks them, “Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?” The answer: no. So Paul laid hands on them and they received. You see, when you receive Christ, you must also then receive the Holy Spirit – with evidence following.

Peter said in Acts 2:38-39, you must repent, be converted, be baptised in water in the Name of Jesus – and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit… This gift is for ALL whom God shall call.

The job of the early Church was to preach Christ and the Resurrection of the dead, that the Messiah had come, had lived, had died and been raised to life as prophesied in Scripture! Jesus was seen alive for 40 days before He ascended into Heaven. Paul tells us He was seen by more than 500 brothers and sisters at one time! 1 Corinthians 15:6.

The fact is, I believe if we want the Power of God today, if we want to see the Holy Spirit move, we’ve got to get back to live and preach what they lived and preached in the early church: Christ and the Resurrection – confirmed by signs and wonders following.