Acts Bible Study Chapters 22-25: In Acts 22:25 through Acts 25:20, the Apostle Paul defends himself before various Roman and Jewish authorities after being arrested in Jerusalem. Throughout these chapters, Paul is portrayed as steadfast in his faith and confident in God's plan, using his legal rights wisely to ensure his mission continues.
Paul's ministry in Corinth and Antioch
Acts Bible Study Chapter 18: This passage recounts the apostle Paul's ministry in Corinth and Ephesus, detailing his interactions with Jews and Gentiles, his companions, and his trials. This chapter highlights the spread of the Gospel despite opposition, the importance of discipleship and mentorship, and the collaborative nature of early Christian ministry.
Led by the Lord
From childhood, I wanted every day and every part of my life to be under the direction and control of the Holy Spirit. Now when I look back over 70 years of ministry I know with absolute certainty that there has been both purpose and direction in my life. God has been in control of all my days and all my experiences. Everything that has happened in my life was foreknown in His plan.
My God works miracles
My God works miracles. He never changes, nor do His promises. What you read in the Bible can still happen in your life today. In Psalm 119, one phrase appears repeatedly – “according to thy word”. You find it at least seven times in different contexts, particularly in verse 170: “Let my supplication come before thee: deliver me according to thy word.” The Bible is God’s Word and cannot lie; it must happen as God has promised. All the promises of man are meaningless compared to the might and power of God.
Our relationship with God through Jesus
The reality of our relationship with Christ is not in repeating prayers and phrases, it’s KNOWING Him. I talk to Him, He talks to me! The more I read the Bible, the more convinced I am that the most important thing after our salvation, is our relationship with Jesus Christ. It’s not just our worship, not the length of our prayers, nor how much we read the Bible, it is the FAITH we have in Him, how much we TRUST Him! That is the only thing that clearly, unmistakably marks our relationship with Jesus Christ.
The faithfulness of Jesus!
The superiority of Jesus
Hebrews Bible Study Chapter 1. The first chapter of Hebrews describes in detail how Jesus Christ fulfils the prophecies of the Old Testament. In the past God spoke to His people by various means: Isaiah, in visions; Jacob, in dreams; whilst to Abraham and Moses, God spoke personally. But now God speaks through Jesus. Jesus is the fulfilment and culmination of God’s revelation. When we know Jesus, we have all we need to be saved and have a perfect relationship with God.
The Power of God to deliver you
I thank God for the Gospel of Jesus Christ; it is the Power of God at work, saving everyone who believes — the Jew first and also the Gentile (Romans 1.16). As I look back over my life, it is now 50 years since God miraculously released me from a communist prison — and 30 years since I evangelised in the Dynamo Stadium, in Kyiv. It was during that difficult time in the prison, God revealed Himself as my Father in a most special way; it was as if I experienced the Glory of Heaven in that prison cell.
Be strong in the grace of Christ Jesus
How can we be strong in the grace of Christ? Just as we are saved by grace, we need to live in that same grace each day. This means trusting completely in Christ and His power, and not trying to live for Christ in our own strength. Writing to the Colossians, the Apostle Paul said, 'And now just as you trusted Christ to save you, trust Him, too, for each day’s problems; live in vital union with Him. Let your roots grow down into Him and draw up nourishment from Him. See that you go on growing in the Lord, and become strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with joy and thanksgiving for all He has done.'
The Road to Glory
In such struggles and conflicts that we have, Paul says in Philippians 2, the key is to be like Jesus. We have to seek and to know what God’s Plan and Purpose is. In my praying to God the Father, I pray through Jesus – He is the Intercessor. He lives to make intercession for us. None of us is perfect. I’m not perfect. We all fail. It’s because of our imperfection that Jesus is the Intercessor – He paid the price for our sin!