I want to challenge everyone from the youngest to the oldest, get to know Jesus. So many people have heard about Him, but few really know who He is. Believer, do you REALLY know Him? I have been in full-time ministry for 75 years. But I don't look at the past, rather 'this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,' (Philippians 3.13). Our spiritual life is like running a race; if you want to win, don't look back, strive for the prize, which is Jesus Himself. I want to win Jesus, and know His Power.
The Power of Prayer
There’s a need for great power in prayer! Power, when we pray! I’m very specific when I pray, I bring very specific questions – and I get very strong answers. James 5.16 says the ‘effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails.’ This is the forceful, powerful prayer of an ‘ordinary’ righteous man! It works! The original Greek New Testament has two words for power: energeo and dunamis. Our praying HAS to be strong!
Everything God does is a miracle
I challenge you to begin to act in the power and authority of your faith. So many times I have had to face the impossible and seen God move in power, and I challenge you to begin to do it yourself! If we really knew our God and had a vision of Him, we would attempt the impossible and take the land! It is only this kind of vision which obeys in faith that will win the unbelieving nations and people, today.
Paul and Silas in prison
Acts Bible Study Chapter 16: This passage details the missionary journeys of Paul and his companions, highlighting several key events and their impact on the spread of Christianity. Throughout this chapter, the story demontrates the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the power of the Gospel to transform lives, and the resilience and faithfulness of Paul and his companions amidst persecution.
Confirming the Word of Grace through Signs and Wonders
Acts Bible Study Chapter 14: This passage recounts the missionary journey of Paul and Barnabas to various cities in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). In Iconium, they face opposition but continue to preach boldly, performing miracles that lead to some conversions. However, a plot to stone them forces them to flee to Lystra and Derbe, where they continue to spread the Gospel.
The transforming power of God
Acts Bible Study Chapter 9: The experience Paul had with God was so powerful, he could not refuse to obey! If only our encounters with God were as powerful and life-changing as this! Like Saul (Paul) I have met with God. I know God. I have seen the fire. More than that, the fire is in me, burning in my soul. There is a power that transforms me when I preach the Gospel so that I am not the ordinary David Hathaway. I have a power, yes a fire – from God. That is why, when I declare the Word of God, miracles happen. It’s not me, it's God. He wants you to know, to see the evidence of His fire and power!
Full of the Holy Spirit and Power
Acts Bible Study Chapter 6&7: These chapters are significant because they illustrate the challenges faced by the early Christian community, the importance of serving all members of the community, and the courage and faith of individuals like Stephen, who remained steadfast in their beliefs even in the face of persecution and death. Additionally, Stephen's speech in Acts 7 provides a concise summary of Israel's history, emphasising God's continual pursuit of His people despite their repeated disobedience.
All things are possible with Jesus
For four days, we witnessed the mighty Power of God, not only in conversions, but also in mighty miracles of healing. Night after night, during that evangelism in Bulgaria, 1990, crutches were thrown onto the platform as people were delivered and walked out free. The blind, the deaf, the sick – all were healed. Revival swept from there – we travelled by road in broken down communist cars from church to church to church – the Power of God was falling – no time seemingly to eat, sleep or even drink a cup of tea! For two years the Holy Spirit moved across the whole of Bulgaria! Eighty new churches were opened as a direct result of that evangelism!
God wants to change your life
“I’m not ashamed of this Gospel!” If I weren’t living in the Power of this Gospel, if I weren’t preaching it and demonstrating it, I would be ashamed! How can you preach about something unless you really believe in it? I’ve seen so many miracles of healing. In my own life, I’ve been healed of cancer, miraculously, twice! In 1998 I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis, they wanted to replace my hip. I didn’t even think about it, within days I was healed! What I am sharing with you, I live in the Power of it. We HAVE to live in the Power of what we preach!
Go in peace and just believe
I believe in prayer and in a God of miracles. Many years ago whilst driving to a preaching engagement some of my staff were with me in the car, and we were praying. I said to God, ‘I’m tired of talking about the miracle of my cancer and the miracle of my release from prison, I want a new miracle, a bigger one, NOW!’ Then I realised what I had said – and my staff remember – I cried out to God, ‘Oh God, hold me by the hand whilst I go through the suffering that will bring the miracle.’