Seeing the problems in the world today, I want to look at what happened in those famous verses, so often linked with revival, when Solomon had finished building the Temple. 2 Chronicles 5.13-14 tells us, when the musicians were as one, praising and thanking the Lord, and saying, “He is good and His mercy endures forever,” – the House was filled with a cloud, so that the priests could not stand to minister, for the Glory of the Lord had filled the House!
You need more of the Holy Spirit!
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is life transforming
The Holy Spirit is the down payment of our inheritance in Christ
When we receive the Holy Spirit, He, is the ‘earnest’, or literally the foretaste, of our Inheritance in Christ! This means that although we don’t get the full Inheritance now (this comes fully when we get into the Kingdom), through the Holy Spirit we already have what I like to call the advance or the ‘down payment’ on the Inheritance!
Authority over the works of the enemy
Many people talk about ‘spiritual warfare’. To me this is the ability to come before the Lord in prayer, receive power, then get out there where the action is. In order to do this, we need to know who we are in Christ and what authority and power we have. If we are going to respond to the enormous challenge which is facing us today, we need less words and more action. Surely anyone who actually realises that they have power and authority and who also knows their God is going to get out and DO IT.
Nothing is impossible - when you believe!
Built on the Rock of Christ Jesus
You WILL receive a baptism of Power and Fire
You WILL receive a baptism of Fire and Power! My whole ministry has been about the Fire and Power of the Holy Ghost! I want to talk from Acts 1.8 – this is the beginning for the Church, these are Christ’s last Words before He leaves His disciples and before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. He’s telling them, preparing them, warning them for what is going to happen.
The Latter Rain of the Spirit - Living in the Greater Works of Jesus
I believe in the Latter Rain of the Spirit - an outpouring where we will do the Greater Works. The prophecies, the Words of Jesus are quite clear, a GREATER outpouring of the Holy Spirit MUST happen in the last days before He comes back (Joel 2.28-29, Acts 2.16-17). Do you see the URGENCY?! I have believed and lived in this experience of a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Look at my ministry – the phenomenal numbers of healings, tens of thousands of healings, incredible miracles that have happened – it’s not me, it’s only what Peter, Joel and Jesus all prophesied would happen. But what I have seen is only a beginning. I am yet believing that this next phase of my ministry will be greater and more powerful than anything that has happened in the past. Don’t rest and say that we cannot see GREATER miracles than Jesus. I am challenging you. If we are to expect to see and do GREATER things than Jesus did (and we MUST expect this), then come on, we at least need to be doing the things that He did – preach the Gospel, heal the sick, with signs following! God bless you.