over 500 days of mercy in Ukraine

over 500 days of mercy in Ukraine

As we reflect on these 500 days of social and relief work, we are reminded of the immense challenges we have overcome and the lives we have touched. However, our journey is far from over. The road to recovery and rebuilding is still long, and the need for support remains great. We are steadfast in our dedication to continue serving the people of Ukraine, standing alongside them as they rebuild their lives and their nation.

Supporting Ukraine: a personal account

Supporting Ukraine: a personal account

For 12 months we have been standing with Ukraine, suppling humanitarian and spiritual aid. Vadim Preobrazhenskiy, our Official Representative in Ukraine writes,

On February 24th 2022 many Ukrainians appeared in the situation when the decision had to be done fast, and none of them could guarantee a solution, safety, or stop the illegal offensive. Waking up from explosions we realized that the fight not only for the freedom and future has started, but it was also the fight for the existence of Ukraine as a nation.

Prayer for Ukraine January 2023

Prayer for Ukraine January 2023

I left for Ukraine on Tuesday January 3rd. The only way is to fly to Poland, then go by car across the Polish and Ukrainian borders, then into Lviv. I then travelled the 350 miles by car to Kyiv. I met church and military leaders and chaplains on the Saturday, preaching to over 1000 in my very dear friend Boris’s Messianic Congregation. Then back to Lviv for the Day of Prayer in a large church building, worshipping with, and preaching to, 2500 on Sunday evening.