September 2023 Newsletter

Dear Supporters and Prayer Partners

Thank you for your support in prayer and finance, especially during my latest evangelism in Central Asia: 12 days’ ministry in Kazakhstan and one week in Kyrgyzstan. What I am seeing, and what God is about to do in these Moslem nations, HAS to be Joel’s 2nd outpouring without limit – the latter rain greater than the moderate rain on the first Day of Pentecost! So I am calling for another Day of Prayer here, in the UK, Saturday November 11th to bring the power down here (see below).

The vast territories of Central Asia were controlled by Russia from the 1800s until the USSR broke up in 1991. Today Central Asia is a diverse multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-religious group of nations, the 5 ‘Stans’: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. Historically these countries were touched by the Old Testament prophets and the New Testament Apostles! Noah’s ark is said to have landed in what was Armenia but now Turkey; Daniel ruled over the Central Asian territories where he is still honoured for his wisdom, especially in Uzbekistan; Andrew, Thaddeus (Jude), Bartholemew, and Matthias (who replaced Judas Iscariot) – all from amongst the first disciples – evangelised here! Then of course came Islam…

However, after 70 years of enforced atheism under the Soviet Union, the hunger for the Gospel in the 1990s drove a great revival in Central Asia – pioneered by the youth, some even teenagers. In 2003 I was invited to evangelise with them in Kazakhstan; 5000 came and my preaching was accompanied by some of the biggest miracles I have ever seen. I am amazed after 20 years how many people still remembered, even personally experienced, these great healings that happened back then.

Also in the 1990s, because the majority population of Central Asia is historically and culturally Islamic, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, UAE and other Moslem countries invested huge sums into buying influence over government and people. A great persecution began against the churches, making it impossible to hold public evangelism. Even now, for a foreigner simply to speak in a church building, you must have a missionary permit from the government for every meeting you hold, which my organisers must, and do, get for me!

After my latest powerful meetings in Kazakhstan, which I reported to you in my last communication, I had only four working days in my UK office, before flying back to Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan for a week-long Youth Forum: 2000 came from every Central Asian country – 250 organisers, and youth leaders working in dynamic evangelism and church planting across all Central Asia! My friends and co-workers from every ‘Stan’ country were there! For the first time since the persecution began 20 years ago, the churches took a public venue by faith to declare Jesus! Yes, the KGB monitored every step and detail of the event; they refused some speakers permission to minister, and applied such pressure on the secular director of the stadium that he said, “They will hang me when you’re gone…”

In fact, on my arrival, and before the first meeting, I was informed that the Director of the KGB would come to my hotel to interrogate me and make notes. But I am used to this, having been 4 months under KGB interrogation in my communist prison in 1972! He attended my first meeting in the stadium to look for anything wrong – but afterwards admitted he found no fault, though I preached repentance, many accepted the Lord, and there were miracles of healing.

On the second day I was not expecting him. I let the Holy Spirit take full control, and God gave me a gift of preaching so powerful, I have never experienced anything like it in my life before! Hundreds of the young people flooded forward for prayer and a new Fire from God. Some even said they expected Elijah’s Chariot of Fire to appear! The KGB director came forward with the crowd and himself prayed and was prayed over! – He came to me behind the platform afterwards and personally expressed amazement at my preaching!

I am sensing very much in my spirit that we urgently need a Special Day of Prayer – for Britain, for Ukraine and especially for the coming ministry in Central Asia where we are in a spiritual war zone: as the only Mission pioneering and fully committed to full public evangelism here, we face Islam, atheism, secularism – and the old spirit behind Russia. This is one of the final battle fields before Christ returns. So I am calling you to join me in Prayer, full details from the office – accommodation is available if needed either in the Holiday Inn or local hotels for Friday night or Saturday – book your own – it’s cheaper!

Saturday 11th November in the Holiday Inn London Gatwick Airport, 10.00am to 5.00pm.

A full programme with prayer and worship led by myself and Dennis Greenidge.

I will be speaking on our prophetic future and the Return of Jesus Christ as Lord.

£35 per person including parking and refreshments. Only 120 places.

To register telephone our office 01924 453693 (during normal office hours)

We all sense we are standing on the edge of a new revival. I’m living in an experiment – because, with God, nothing is impossible! Science tells us the Universe is expanding outwards without limit. I want to push the boundaries further and further, until all can see how powerful our God really is! HE will demonstrate with miracles the difference between the person of Mohammed and Jesus Christ! And so, though I am 91, I refuse to stop until God brings this great revival! There HAS to be Joel’s 2nd outpouring of the Holy Spirit – without limit – greater than on the Day of Pentecost!


Thank you for supporting this ministry through prayer and finance. ‘How we thank God for you! Because of you we have great joy in the presence of God. Night and day we pray for you... Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until that day when our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. God, who calls you, is faithful!’ (1 Thessalonians 3:9; 5:23-24).

In the early days of the conflict in Ukraine, as Russian troops surrounded Kyiv, and occupied that whole region, we immediately sprang into action. Evacuating people, and providing basic assistance, became our priority. Despite the risks involved, we trusted in the Lord, and successfully rescued numerous individuals from the occupied territories. And today, the relief work continues because of your generous support.