Dear Friends and Partners in Christ Jesus
My warmest greetings for Christmas and the New Year. I trust and pray that this special time of year will be a blessing as we briefly turn away from personal, political and economic problems affecting the whole world and reflect on the Person of our soon coming Messiah, Jesus, Son of the Living God.
I have been looking at the historic and political situation in Israel when Jesus was born... The Land of Israel was in captivity: the Romans had just overthrown the Greeks, and even the Jews themselves disagreed, Pharisee and Sadducee and the Zealots, the inevitable extremists who opposed the Romans – this led to the rebellion when they fled to Masada, and the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed.
Yet Jesus never spoke about either slavery or the political situation. The angels said, “Glory to God, and peace on Earth, goodwill to men.” The message Jesus came to give to all was about His coming Kingdom on earth, and how to be free now from Satan’s control down here – ‘born again’ – free from this world’s evils. Jesus came down from the Peace of God’s Heavenly Kingdom into a world torn by wars, criminality and distress. How much like the world we live in today! Yet His message was Peace and His last words to His disciples were, “My peace I leave with you.” I urge you over this Christmas period, put aside the cares and troubles for a short time and let God’s Peace fill your heart with Heavenly Joy!
We’ve had a wonderful year preaching the simple Gospel of Salvation, seeing thousands accept Christ personally and many miracles of healing by the Power of Jesus’ Name. After a short break with all my own family over Christmas, I will be in Baku, Azerbaijan, evangelising those who live in a Moslem country and desperately want to find the real Jesus!
2025 will be a special year for me, looking back over 75 years since I pastored a church aged 18 and held my first Tent Crusade in Dorking. It was 1950! Looking back, I can see how the Lord had planned every step I took, how both good and bad led me closer to Him, how my prayer life became so special to me that I could sense how close He is. I began when I was 15 by surrendering everything to Him, I became His servant, but hearing His Voice constantly and following His steps as closely as possible, gradually the servant became the brother until finally the realisation that He and I together are sons and heirs of our Heavenly Father!
From the beginning, to the best of my ability I have done what God wanted, following implicitly the commands He gave His disciples: aged 13, I started preaching, then, powerless, I heard the challenge, ‘wait until you receive the Holy Spirit’, after which I then became a hell-fire preacher at school, aged 16 leading my teacher to Christ, and two classmates who went on to become preachers.
In 2025, we are preparing to increase our evangelism, despite the serious situation emerging worldwide. Just as the Lord has clearly directed my ministry timewise over the last 75 years, He has a pre-determined Plan for the coming days; all we have to do is be close enough to Him to understand His Purposes, to listen to that clear ‘Voice’ and obey without questioning.
Central Asia is a focal mission field for me. My staff and I are constantly in communication, having placed one of our key workers in the ‘hot spot’ where he now lives with his family. We have totally re-organised in Poland with new strategically placed staff, as also with our new organisation in Germany which will give us more opportunity for evangelism and, hopefully, increase our support base! New staff overseas and here in the UK enable us to maximise our evangelism!
In addition… I am placing a strong emphasis over the coming months to encourage the next generation and re-energise those already in service. I want to impart everything I have gathered over 75 years, to encourage and instruct as many as are hungry. Not Biblical theory, but how the Lord has led me to success, step by step. 60 years ago, He said, “Stop talking, go and do what you tell others to do, and don’t come back until you have proved how My Power still works today, even more powerfully than at the beginning!”
Everything I saw prophetically in Scripture, I have seen fulfilled. Even my film, ‘The Rape of Europe’, produced more than 23 years ago, is being literally fulfilled before our eyes in Britain and Europe right now. Europe is Babylon! 100%! If you don’t believe me, view the film on my YouTube Channel. And I believe that part of my ministry is to fulfil the prophecies God gave Hudson Taylor in 1889 – revival coming from the East into Europe!
We are holding a series of celebrations in 2025 for my unique 75 years in ministry – and still continuing! Confirmed is Saturday June 21st in the Emmanuel Centre in London. Places are limited to 850 and will fill quickly. To purchase tickets, visit:
Harrogate is very special to me. The celebration here will be in April/May – 2 days with accommodation. We can only confirm details when we get an idea of numbers to determine the venue – please let us know if you would like to attend. Significantly Easter 2025 is the same dates as my release from prison!! We expect to hold a celebration also in Belfast, details will follow.
“Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them,” (Isaiah 3:10, NKJV). As you put your trust in the Lord, all things will work together for your good. Every New Year I like to quote the poem by Minnie Louise Haskins: ‘And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.” And he replied: “Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.” So, I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night.’
Thank you for supporting David’s ministry; we appreciate every financial gift and prayer. Your giving has made a life-changing difference to so many people: the Gospel has been preached across Central Asia, Ukraine and Poland. And humanitarian aid has been distributed in Ukraine; Vadim and his team regularly pray with those affected by this horrendous war, sharing with them the love of Christ in word and deed.