The time to evangelise is now. January was my first visit to Azerbaijan which, like Georgia and Armenia, is part of South Caucasus – all are former member countries of the old USSR where Christians were persecuted for their faith.
Christmas 2024 Newsletter
My warmest greetings for Christmas and the New Year. I trust and pray that this special time of year will be a blessing as we briefly turn away from personal, political and economic problems affecting the whole world and reflect on the Person of our soon coming Messiah, Jesus, Son of the Living God.
November 2024 Newsletter
Thank the Lord, we have positive news of recent ministry in Ukraine. I have just returned from holding prayer for the nation in Lviv, West Ukraine. Two and a half thousand filled the magnificent Golgotha Church in Lviv. Worship was led by an inter-church choir, and prayer was led by pastors from Lviv region.
October 2024 Newsletter
77 years ago, aged 15, God clearly called me to the former Soviet Union and Europe. Through 74 years in Ministry, He has confirmed that call – evangelistic crusades, confirmed by signs and wonders following. Hundreds of thousand saved, tens of thousands of incredible miracles, not just healings but every kind of miracle just as in the days of the Old and New Testaments.
September 2024 Newsletter
Over the 74 years of my ministry God has never failed me, meeting all my needs in sickness, in that communist prison, in the extremities of ministry, even the 3 months’ evangelism in Siberia in the chaos after the collapse of communism, and all the hardships of so many sacrifices, away from my wife (who had to care for our family) for weeks and months at a time, yet never losing their love and support. My two special blessings now as I still travel and work harder than ever, are my phenomenal health (which shocks the doctors) and the never-failing love and support of all my family. Truly God is a good God who keeps every promise!
June 2024 Newsletter
By the time you read this I will be in Kyiv, leading thousands in prayer for God to deliver their nation. No, I am not afraid to go into what is a war zone. I lived in London as a boy in the 1940s when Hitler was destroying London during the ‘Blitz’ – I was not praying for safety, but that God would bring Revival to London! …Reading the Bible during my teenage years I saw the challenge, what was the purpose of the Church and of every born-again believer: ‘Preach the Gospel, heal the sick.’ That’s what I have done for the last 74 years – it’s what I understand ‘following Jesus’ means.
May 2024 Newsletter
February 2024 Newsletter
Poland at the beginning of this month was a powerful blessing, working with Ukrainian refugees, with congregations of 1000 in each meeting. You will have seen our online reports. In the Saturday evangelistic meeting, we had 100 orphan children aged 14-18, bussed in by their Christian carers; over 150 refugees repented, we saw miracles of healing – testimonies were given on the platform, and others were shared on the buses as they went home. The pastors and missionaries who took part in this event shared their powerful memories of my ministry in Ukraine, Crimea, Belarus and Russia.
January 2024 Newsletter
Our prayers are with you for the Lord’s blessing on your life during the coming year. Times are difficult. The danger of the two wars in Ukraine and Israel escalating, and political uncertainty in Europe, Britain and especially America, make for an uncertain future. Thank God, Jesus is coming back to take over the government of the world! Isaiah 9 is clear, ‘The Government shall be on HIS shoulders’!
August 2023 Newsletter
Thank you for your support in prayer and finance, especially during my latest evangelism in Central Asia. In the capital city Astana, they only managed to get a permit for me one week before our meetings started. But, for the first time in 20 years they were allowed to put a banner in the street to advertise the meetings; and after 20 years of ‘provocations’, (disturbances, created to bring in the police), we enjoyed absolute peace! They doubled the seating capacity in the church, and every meeting was virtually full. There were wonderful miracle healings.
July 2023 Newsletter
Jesus said, “You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you to bring forth fruit and it shall remain” – the evidence is so positive in every area to which the Lord has called us! But we need much prayer because these new areas of evangelism are difficult and dangerous – and strenuous to get to!
This year is proving one of the busiest for me, it seems that the older I get the heavier the demand for my involvement! However, this year is recording some remarkable events.
June 2023 Newsletter
As I write this, we have returned from Armenia where the Day of Prayer was a phenomenal miracle. Though we have been working towards a United Day of Prayer for Armenia for some years now, the developing critical situation with Azerbaijan precipitated action; with only one month to pull all our plans together and make it happen, on Saturday 27th May, 5000 people from all over the nation – some travelling up to 5 hours to get there – gathered in the Meridian Expo Centre, Yerevan, to pray for God’s protection over their land.
May 2023 Newsletter
April 2023 Newsletter
As I write this, I am about to go to Ukraine. In addition to meeting many church leaders, I shall be preaching in Kyiv. Despite the war the church is full of people praying for their nation! Shortly after my return, I will go to Germany to renew my relationship with our German friends and partners where Eurovision began as a charity in 1988. This time my visit is to hold a powerful Day of Prayer for Ukraine on April 29th in Altensteig. Germany is part of my ‘vision for Europe’ and I want to join with some of the churches to hold further Days of Prayer, not only for Ukraine but also for Germany.
March 2023 Newsletter
I have just spent a further time in prayer and fellowship in preparation for the next move of God. From March 20th to 27th I will be in Uzbekistan to begin the next part of our move into evangelism in Central Asia. This is a critical region almost untouched by powerful evangelism with miracles and signs following. While Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan were exposed to traditional Orthodoxy under the Russian Empire, both were Islamic countries until Soviet Russia suppressed even that. There has never been real freedom to evangelise and even now we have to use whatever opportunities we can, as fast as we can. Armenia and Georgia were the first Christian countries in the world from the 4th Century, with a form of Orthodox faith and they resisted Islam, then communism took over.
February 2023 Newsletter
Be encouraged, God is at work! I am experiencing it in my life even more as I get older! There is always opposition, but significantly, I have always found that, if Satan attacks, it means that something big is about to happen! We need your support both in prayer and with finance more this year than ever. We are all living in a difficult time economically, but the seed which you sow will reap an even larger harvest in eternity because God Himself will reward you!
January 2023 Newsletter
We have started this year at full speed. I left for Ukraine on Tuesday January 3rd. The only way is to fly to Poland, then go by car across the Polish and Ukrainian borders, then into Lviv. The first day was spent being shown how, for hundreds of years, Ukraine has had an independent identity from Russia, and has every reason to fight to be free from Russian intervention and control. In this New Year we are expecting to do more than in previous years – which means we need your support more than ever! To fulfil all that God has put in my heart this year, we will need your prayer support – and almost double our financial income.
December 2022 Newsletter
As I was preparing my Christmas TV broadcast, I saw something different! We are all so familiar with the Christmas prophecy, Isaiah 9:6, ‘Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given...’ But Solomon in 2 Chron. 6:18, at the dedication of the new temple asks, ‘But will God in very deed dwell with men on the earth? Behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain You…!’ Yet Jesus did come, Emmanuel, ‘God with us’ and now today even more so because Christ dwells not just with us but in us after we are ‘born again’. Our bodies should be the Temple of the Holy Spirit today!
November 2022 Newsletter
The whole world is in crisis. Only prayer-based evangelism can save Britain and the world. Time is short – we need real urgent prayer. As I write I’m about to leave for ministry in Georgia where I will be from November 14th to 21st for three days’ evangelism in the National Indoor Basketball Stadium, TV interviews and ministry in a supporting church.