Healed of Cancer

In December 2002, as part of the process of getting a resident's permit in Ukraine, in order to prove I did not have TB which is endemic out there, I had to have a lung X-ray. But the doctors called me back, took more X-rays, and then told me I had a shadow on my lung and that I had pneumonia. Probably I had already had it for over a month, because I remember a fever had started on the last day of October while I was evangelising in Siberia.

Back in England I was treated with antibiotics, but after two courses of treatment I went again for X-rays and the patch on my lung was bigger. The doctors became extremely worried, they didn’t want me to travel overseas and they set up exhaustive tests in a hurry. They said bluntly, 'It's not pneumonia, you have lung cancer.'

I prayed about it, and I did go overseas to carry out my ministry, but the day after I got back the hospital process started. On the Thursday I had the CT (computer tomography) scan and it showed the cancer.

I believe in prayer and in a God of miracles. But I am faced with a challenge: do I really believe God or not? On the following Monday I had to go for a bronchoscopy when they would put a camera down my lung and take a sample of the growth. The doctors had already fast-tracked me into a process which would lead to an operation to remove all or part of my right lung – on the Wednesday I was booked to go in for the final verdict. The only question, how much of my lung they would take away?

I said, 'Lord, how can I go back into Russia and preach like I preach and say that You are a mighty God of miracles who's got power to do everything, including healing cancer, if I have got half of my right lung cut out, followed by chemotherapy? If You have finished with me, if my ministry is over, then don't heal me, because if I can no longer evangelise I might as well die, I have no other reason to live! But if You want me to go back into Russia and Ukraine and finish the work You gave me to do, then I want You to heal me completely!' But I only had a few days, from Thursday to Monday! 

God said to me, 'David, you've got a mountain in your life that you've got to move, and that mountain is to get that cancer out from your lung. If you can believe that without an operation you can be completely healed, then nothing will be impossible from there on.' Now desperately seeking God's answer from Scripture, I was reading from Jeremiah 33:6, 'I will bring health and healing'; and Jeremiah 33:20-21, 'I will not break my covenant with David'; and Psalm 89:35, 'I will not lie to David'; and 'Is anything impossible with God?' (Jeremiah 32:17&27).

On the Monday I was in the hospital, tubes down my lung looking for cancer – but God had already given me the answer, I knew it was gone. The doctors looked at me in amazement and said, 'You have no cancer!'

I didn't go to a healing evangelist, I went to the Word of God and He completely healed me – no operation, no treatment – I only had God and the Bible, and that's all I needed to confound the doctors. They were shocked, they didn't believe God. But I do, I believe in a God of power, of miracles.

The Bible is very clear. Isaiah 53:5 says Jesus was wounded for our sin, bruised for our iniquity and with His stripes we are healed. Matthew 8:16-17 says Jesus healed all that were sick to fulfil what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah.

If you are sick and need a healing touch from Jesus, I want to help you pray. Let me encourage you, the Scripture teaches that Jesus healed all who came to Him. Jesus is not only able to heal you, but He also has the desire to heal you. He wants you to be well and live a healthy life. Sickness is from the devil. Health is from Jesus. I want you to get well anyway you can: take care of your body, seek medical help, and trust Jesus to do what medicine cannot do. Watch the video below - laid your hand on your sickness, pray with me, trust Jesus, and do all that you can to get well.