Rejoice and be glad, the Lord is going to do great things

Fear not, O land; Be glad and rejoice, For the Lord has done marvelous things! (Joel 2:21)

I want to encourage you with this. I’m looking forward to what God is going to do! I want to build up your faith in the Power of God! The Scriptures show, God will never, ever be defeated. So, fear not, wherever you are, don’t be afraid – be glad and rejoice, because the Lord is going to do great things! I’m prophesying over you, every one of you, that God hasn’t really started yet, God is going to do the BIG THINGS in the coming days! I want to see it! I want to be part of it!

God is saying this: “I will show wonders in the heavens, wonders in the earth!” We’re going to see the miraculous Power of God revealed. I’m expecting God to work bigger miracles this year than in any previous time in my life! Now that’s a challenge – because I believe I have seen more miracles than most living! Last year, 2020, I celebrated 70 years of full-time ministry – and it was a danger that I might sit back and say, I’m 88 years old – and in fact people asked me, “Why didn’t you retire, why didn’t you give up?” I can stop, I can’t give up! Why? Because I’m seeing the Power of God getting bigger and bigger every day, and I’m waiting to see what God is going to do tomorrow, next week, next year... I can’t stop because I know in my spirit that God will fulfil these promises.

Ask God for the gift of faith to believe that – with God – nothing is impossible. I’m trying to push the bounds of faith further and further out! When I’ve believed for something in the past, I want to believe for something bigger and better in the future! Because God says, in the Last Days He will pour out His Spirit on all flesh! We’re living in the Last Days. Expect the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, pray for it! And when you pray, act as if you’ve got it!

Be glad then, you children of Zion, And rejoice in the Lord your God; For He has given you the former rain faithfully, And He will cause the rain to come down for you— The former rain, And the latter rain in the first month. (Joel 2:23, NKJV)

When I was baptised in the Holy Spirit, there were others with me who were baptised at the same time – but where was the change in their life? I was thirteen, nearly fourteen. For me it was an explosion! Of Power! BUT – the first day after, I was in the church in a prayer meeting, everyone there knew I had received the Holy Spirit... There had to be a demonstration, evidence. I didn’t ‘feel’ anything. But I HAD to put the thing into action. And I began to pray in tongues and prophesy – by faith! You know the Word, you study the Word – but we HAVE to put it into action! That’s what I have done my whole life!

I have turned the Word of God into reality. The confirmation is Joel 2:32, “And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be delivered!” There is salvation, this is God’s Word! I’m believing for you, for your nations. Under communism they believed they would destroy Christianity. But they didn’t! Through the persecution, through the suffering has come a revival which has swept those nations. When you stand in faith with me, together we will see that ‘whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord WILL be delivered’! Delivered from sickness, delivered from fear, from bondage – delivered from sin to become the children of God!

God is your Hope, God is your Strength. Come on! Don’t be afraid. With God, nothing is impossible! Let’s pray, ask for a gift of faith to believe that your nation can be delivered, that your people shall be saved, before Christ returns as Messiah. O God, give us boldness, give us courage, and give us faith to do it in Jesus’ Name!