Jesus is our healer!

God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him. (Acts 10:38, KJV)

I love to see God heal people that the doctors cannot help! To me, the real miracles of healing are when doctors have tried to heal and failed, then God takes over and by a miracle does what the most expert of doctors cannot do. I have seen many people healed of broken bones and the effects of accidents, especially young people, and many other young ones born blind, deaf, crippled, where medical science can do nothing.

I love to tell of the 22 year old girl in Australia who was born with a spinal deformity and grew instantly 10 cm taller. And the young man in East Germany who had steel pins inserted into his right hip, knee and ankle, because of a motor accident – the miracle was, God literally melted the steel pins and he could kneel and squat and bend his joints freely! And the 22 year old boy in a Russian hospital, dying from the effects of drug abuse, Aids and gangrene in his right leg. They wanted to amputate his leg above the knee, but I knew he would die, because the Aids had damaged his immune system. I told him not to have the operation, that God would heal him. I said, “When I come to Perm next time, you and I will stand on the platform together and give glory to God for your healing!” Six months later I was back in Perm, holding a crusade live on TV to the whole region. On the first night I made an appeal to Anton via the TV broadcast to come and tell about his healing. Sure enough, on the next night, Anton was there on the platform with me to give glory to God, just as I had told him he would! Anton had believed, refused the operation, and walked out of the hospital – healed! Now he is healed of Aids, married, has children, and went to Bible school to train to be an evangelist like me!

Let me remind you that I have experienced two outstanding personal miracles of healing from cancer, both confirmed medically. In 1964 I was healed of cancer on my vocal chord and in 2003, healed of cancer in my right lung!

Physical healing is an integral part of the atonement of Christ. It has been bought for us together with our salvation, through Christ’s suffering and death. Isaiah 53 states clearly: “He was wounded for our transgressions…And with His stripes we are healed.” We believe that our sin was taken away and the penalty was paid by Christ’s suffering and death. We do not question our salvation, which is by faith in the finished work of Christ’s atonement. However the Bible clearly states that not only our sin but also our sickness was borne by Him. We need to apply the same level of faith to our healing from sickness as we do to our salvation from sin.