The Lord will do great things!

We are living in the age when God is going to fulfil every single promise! That’s why I’m not looking at the negative, I’m looking at the positive. We’re living in a time, a generation, and an age, when God is going to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, and the whole earth will be filled with the Glory of God!

Open your Bible to Joel 2:21, where it says, ‘Fear not, O land’ – whichever country you are from – let your nation not be afraid, but be glad!!! Rejoice!!! Because the Lord is going to do great things!

Don’t look at the past, don’t be afraid of the past. People are amazed at the energy and strength that I have at my age, 89! But I’m not looking at the past. I’m looking at the future and to the greater things, the greater miracles God is going to do in the future! I’ve just seen powerful miracles in Kiev, in June 2021, where every religious group and even the government accepts our National Day of Prayer for Ukraine – and they say it’s changed the whole character of the nation! But I’m looking forward, that’s already in the past. I’m looking forward to what God is going to do next year, it will be greater!

When I had lung cancer in 2002/2003, I refused all medical treatment. I said to the Lord, “Look, I’m 70, if my ministry is finished, take me Home. I would rather be in Heaven than down here.” That’s what the Apostle Paul said, to live is Christ, but to die is gain! “But if my job isn’t finished, I will not go back into the former Soviet Union countries where my ministry is, and say, ‘I’ve had chemotherapy, I’ve had my lung removed.’ I will not go back unless You heal me and put the evidence in front of everybody.” So God HAD to heal me! But, I’ve realised – these last 18 years since my miraculous healing from lung cancer have been the most productive and powerful years of my whole life!

I want to encourage you with this. I’m looking forward to what God is going to do! I want to build up your faith in the Power of God! The Scriptures show, God will never, ever be defeated. So, fear not, wherever you are, don’t be afraid – be glad and rejoice, because the Lord is going to do great things! I’m prophesying over you, every one of you, that God hasn’t really started yet, God is going to do the BIG THINGS in the coming days! I want to see it! I want to be part of it!

God is going to give you a restoration. Joel 2 verse 26, “You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the Name of the Lord your God who has dealt wondrously with you – AND MY PEOPLE SHALL NEVER BE ASHAMED!” I have stood on this verse so many times in my ministry – if we put our trust in Him, if we demonstrate our faith in Him – WE WILL NEVER BE ASHAMED! GOD WILL NEVER FAIL TO KEEP HIS PROMISES.