Healed by the Hand of God

My life, my every moment, my destiny - it’s all in Your Hands. So I know You can deliver me… (Psalm 31:15, TPT)

I carry in my body the mark of God's Hand! So often, the reality of our faith is only when it is put to the test and we don’t back off. Somebody said to me recently about my healing from throat cancer in the 1960s, "You put your life on the line! If your faith wasn't going to work, you were going to die!" But God didn't fail me. And when the doctors examined me, they said, "Somebody has cut the cancer out with a knife. We can see the scar tissue. Tell us the name of the doctor and the hospital!" I said simply, His Name is Jesus! The reality and the evidence of my faith was that there was visible evidence that someone had actually cut out the cancer – and without destroying my vocal cords. The doctors were amazed because they knew that they had not done it. Without question, the evidence was there, only God could have done it! Only the actual Hand of God. If the cancer had just disappeared, there would have been no scar, no physical evidence!

The miracle was unusual in that the cancer did not just disappear, it was literally cut out by the Hand of God, there still is a permanent physical evidence in my body – the scar where it was cut out! When I had lung cancer in 2003, the cancer was confirmed by a series of medical checks, first by X‐ray, then a camera down my lungs under anaesthetic and finally by CT‐ scan. I prayed for three months before the miracle happened – I coughed the whole cancer up from my chest, it physically came out onto the bed I was lying on. I was staying in my office in Germany – they had to burn the bed afterwards – it was soaked through!

YOU can live in the miraculous – YOU can command every mountain to move! We need men and women on Fire with the Power of God, with the faith to believe that we serve a God of miracles! I HAVE to see – I declare I WILL see – bigger miracles tomorrow than anything I have ever seen in the past!

We talk about faith, we have to have faith! I laugh, because my wife used to complain that I jumped into bed. But that was an ‘act of faith’ that the bed wouldn’t collapse! We all have to use an element of faith. If you get in a car and somebody else is driving it, you need faith! Faith in its simplistic sense is part of everyday life! It’s the trust you have. You trust people, you have to trust your doctor, the police, your government – though often they fail us – they are only human. But if faith is trust, faith in God is faith in the unfailing God!

Come on! Put your faith to the test, prove it!

The heavens declare the Glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His Hands. (Psalm 19:1, NIV)