
Sons and daughters of God

Sons and daughters of God

People ask me, who is your successor? My answer is, I have no successor! I haven’t finished my job yet, and I won’t quit until the job is finished! But more and more young pastors and leaders are coming to me for help and advice; I want to encourage others to follow in my steps, and do as I have done for the last 73 years in full-time ministry. That’s why I have chosen Paul’s first letter to Timothy - whom he describes as his ‘true son in the faith’ - because I want to talk to you as MY true sons and daughters in the faith.

Our hope is in heaven

Our hope is in heaven

For all believers there is the wonderful hope of heaven; from this assurance springs the faith and love we express in this life. Whatever we are going through today, our hope is not down here, OUR HOPE IS IN HEAVEN. We’re not expected to be wealthy down here, we’re not expected to be living necessarily in comfort. My real home and your real home is the FUTURE. I feel that somehow the Church has lost sight of the key element of our faith. OUR HOPE IS IN HEAVEN – NOT HERE!

Only the Gospel can change the world

Only the Gospel can change the world

The only thing that can change the world is the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Asked to pastor a church at 18, just three months after starting Bible College, and holding my first Tent Mission a few months later, I have seen the Power of God and miracles of healing from the very beginning of my ministry. After 72 years of ministry, why do I carry on with such passion? It is because I believe that all the Power of God is in the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! (Romans 1.16).

Called and set apart for a specific purpose (Romans 1:1-16)

Called and set apart for a specific purpose (Romans 1:1-16)

We are called and set apart for a purpose: it is a divine calling. We are to regard ourselves as a servant of Jesus Christ, following the Master’s Voice. Jesus Himself said, “Many are called, but few are chosen!” We need to serve in such a way as to be considered worthy of the calling of Christ.