living sacrifice

Jesus needs you!

Jesus needs you!

Romans 12:1 Bible Study: Reasonable service. God is talking about ‘normal’ service, nothing exceptional – for every believer – the ‘norm’! Today the churches talk about being ‘normal’, take care of yourself, don’t work too hard... But the challenge given by Paul is that ‘reasonable’ service – means giving your WHOLE life as a ‘living sacrifice’! EVERYTHING! Give God EVERYTHING! God did not call me to be an ‘evangelist’ or ‘preacher’ – He said He wanted ALL of me!”

Steadfast in faith and righteousness

Steadfast in faith and righteousness

Acts Bible Study Chapter 5: I remember the day when the Lord challenged me to serve Him. I was 15, on holiday on the South Coast of England, walking on the sea-front with some young Christians and I couldn’t enter into the fun that they were having because God was speaking to me – and the devil was speaking to me. The devil was saying, ‘Don’t listen, it’s OK, things are fine. You’re doing well – you got saved when you were 8, and you got baptised in water when you were 12, you started preaching at 13, that’s enough,’ and God was saying, ‘I want more.’ God was not calling me to be a preacher or an evangelist at that time, God was asking me to give my whole life to Him. Simply to give everything to Him.

The importance of the Word of God

The importance of the Word of God

Hebrews Bible Study Chapter 13. 'Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever. Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace… Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.’

Christ is the perfect sacrifice

Christ is the perfect sacrifice

Hebrews Bible Study Chapter 9. Christ is the mediator by which we can access the New Testament and receive the promised eternal inheritance. Where there is a testament, a will, there must also be a death, otherwise the will cannot be enacted. My wife and I had the same will. Whoever died first, would give everything to the other. Because she died, I inherited everything. Because Christ died, we inherit all that was His.

Sons and daughters of God

Sons and daughters of God

People ask me, who is your successor? My answer is, I have no successor! I haven’t finished my job yet, and I won’t quit until the job is finished! But more and more young pastors and leaders are coming to me for help and advice; I want to encourage others to follow in my steps, and do as I have done for the last 73 years in full-time ministry. That’s why I have chosen Paul’s first letter to Timothy - whom he describes as his ‘true son in the faith’ - because I want to talk to you as MY true sons and daughters in the faith.

Living Sacrifice - Holy and Pleasing unto God

Living Sacrifice - Holy and Pleasing unto God

God so impressed Romans 12:1 on me when I was a teenager: ‘I beseech you to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.’ God is talking about normal service, nothing exceptional – for every believer – the norm. Today the churches are talking about being normal, taking care of yourself, not working too hard… But the challenge is ‘reasonable service’ – giving your whole life as a ‘living sacrifice’! Everything! God didn’t call me to be an ‘evangelist’ or a ‘preacher’ – He said He wanted ALL of me!