answered prayer

The Kingdom of God in Power

The Kingdom of God in Power

'For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power... For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes,' (1 Corinthians 4.20; Romans 1.16, NIV). I have seen the power of God in an incredible way. From childhood, I wanted every day and every part of my life to be under the direction and control of the Holy Spirit. Now when I look back over 75 years of ministry I know with absolute certainty that there has been both purpose and direction in my life. God has been in control of all my days and all my experiences. Everything that has happened in my life was foreknown in His plan.

Peter’s Miraculous Escape From Prison

Peter’s Miraculous Escape From Prison

Acts Bible Study Chapter 12: I learnt how to pray in that prison, I learnt to know God better there than in any Bible College or church meeting. I found a new reality, a new relationship with Him. All my life, it has been a journey, step by step. It was first in my teenage cry for God, then in my throat cancer, then in my prison that God touched my life and gave me a new power. Without that year in a communist prison, I would not have the ministry or the Authority I have today in the Russian-speaking countries.

The transforming power of God

The transforming power of God

Acts Bible Study Chapter 9: The experience Paul had with God was so powerful, he could not refuse to obey! If only our encounters with God were as powerful and life-changing as this! Like Saul (Paul) I have met with God. I know God. I have seen the fire. More than that, the fire is in me, burning in my soul. There is a power that transforms me when I preach the Gospel so that I am not the ordinary David Hathaway. I have a power, yes a fire – from God. That is why, when I declare the Word of God, miracles happen. It’s not me, it's God. He wants you to know, to see the evidence of His fire and power!

By faith we understand...

By faith we understand...

Hebrews Bible Study Chapter 11. Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

God has come to deliver

God has come to deliver

Jesus is the only one who can deliver! He wants to reach out to you! You need to find Him, not just for your miracle of healing, but to be set free and delivered. Addressing the Day of Prayer in Armenia, “I believe God has called me at this strategic time to your nation. Armenia is facing a crisis, but all our times are in God’s Hands – and that’s why we’re here together today. this is God’s message to you: ‘I have seen your misery, I have heard your cry, and I am come down to deliver.’ God – your God – is already here!

How to receive an answer to prayer

How to receive an answer to prayer

“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much”! ‘Effectual fervent’ means this is very powerful prayer. The Greek word often used for powerful is ‘dunamis’. We’ve borrowed this word into English as ‘dynamo’ (to generate electricity, power, to run your home, your car); and as ‘dynamite’ (a very unusual explosive which doesn’t waste its energy on the open air, but pushes the wall down, breaks open the rock face). So when we’re talking about prayer, your prayer must not be wasted on the air, but like dynamite, it must be dynamic enough to move the mountain out of the way! To move the sickness! To move the obstacle! If your prayer is not doing this, it’s not doing its job!

The dynamic power of prayer

The dynamic power of prayer

Powerful prayer works! The original Greek of the Bible often uses a special word for power: dunamis – it signifies miraculous, wonder-working power. From it we get the words dynamo (which generates power), and dynamite (the explosive). If you want prayer to work, to change your circumstances, then it must generate power. Jesus never once in the four Gospels told His disciples to pray for the sick. He said, ‘HEAL the sick!’ (Luke 9&10). He was speaking with authority! Yes, in James 5:14 it says ‘the prayer of faith will save the sick’ – but this is in the church. There is a big difference between the call of the evangelist and ministry within the church.

Your words contain miracles

Your words contain miracles

There are miracles in the words you speak. If you really believe what you say, you will speak – and the mountain will move! Whatever you say, if you speak with faith and authority, and don’t doubt, you will be healed, your family will be blessed, your financial burden will move – even if these things are mountains in your life! But let this be a warning – watch your tongue – the miracle is in your mouth!!

How to seek God

How to seek God

How do we seek God? King David wrote, ‘You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.’ The Psalmist knew how to seek God. I leant to seek Him through my cancer diagnosis, in my imprisonment. It is not about how much you pray, I want you to have the assurance that God has heard your prayer. God has heard your prayer and He will answer. For so many reading this, you have prayed for so many years, I want to encourage you, God has heard your prayer.

God fulfils every promise

God fulfils every promise

God never fails! Being a believer longer than most, I’ve experienced many problems - cancer, and have spent a year in prison for the Gospel - but my testimony is: in all my life God has never failed me once. My life hasn't been easy, but He is faithful.