Christian Life

Put your faith in God!

Put your faith in God!

Our strength, our hope is in God, not in men! The world is facing so many crises at the moment; Isaiah says, why do you trust in material things and human power? Sooner or later they will fail. But God is so different! That’s why Scripture teaches us to put our trust in Him, believe what He says. If only we would take God at His Word, literally!!! We have to learn to have the confidence to believe God will do what He says!

Driven to make a decision

Driven to make a decision

When we trust God, our bread and water, the basic necessities, everything we need for life, will always be there. The Power and the Anointing of the Holy Spirit will never run dry. It doesn’t matter how much I use the Holy Spirit, how much I pray, how many miracles I see, that precious cruse of oil of the Holy Spirit will never, ever run out. God’s supply is inexhaustible. I KNOW that! I have no fear of the future. I have no fear that the miracles of the past will diminish and go away. God has promised that He will never leave or forsake us, so we may boldly say: "The Lord is my helper; I will not fear."

Through faith we obey and receive

Through faith we obey and receive

Do you understand how powerful faith is? God will never ever, ever fail to keep His Promise!! Even if everything around us seems to conspire against it, God won’t fail!!! Somebody once said, there are three levels of faith. The first level of faith is that you believe in something because all the evidence is there that it is going to happen. The second level is when you are believing for something and there is nothing at all to support or convince you that it could happen. But the third level of faith is when everything is against you – it can’t happen! Faith when it’s impossible, absolutely impossible.

Your confidence has great reward

Your confidence has great reward

We can understand faith in so many ways. Yes, the faith to receive miracles of healing, faith to receive answers to prayer, but also the CONFIDENCE we have in our Christian walk. Faith should be, that when we get out of bed in the morning, we are confident God is with us. When we open the front door and step out into the day’s life, whatever is in store, we have confidence. It is confidence in God that has always boosted my life, bolstered my life, supported and strengthened my life.

Show us the Father

Show us the Father

“Lord, show us the Father!” People have such strange ideas of who God is! When we were boys, my older brother thought Heaven was ‘like sitting on a damp cloud with your feet in butter’! I don’t know where he got that idea from!!! But people imagine God as an ‘old man sitting on a cloud’!!! Or they don’t think of God as relevant at all. That’s why He sent His Son Jesus, that we might understand who He is! That’s why Jesus said, “If you’ve seen Me, you’ve seen the Father!” They ARE One!

When Truth falls

When Truth falls

In Acts 3, Peter and John were brought before the whole religious council – the High Priest, his kindred, the rulers, elders and scribes – for questioning, “By what power, by what name have you healed this lame man?” And Peter replied, “If we are being examined about this man and how he was healed, let it be known to you and to the whole of Israel that by the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom God raised from the dead, even by Him does this man stand, totally healed!” The religious leaders then responded, “Did we not strictly command you that you should not preach in this Name? But you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine!” But in v29 Peter and the other Apostles answered, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” Our allegiance is to Jesus, the Son of the living God, who was raised from the dead; it is Him we must obey!

The miracles are the evidence

The miracles are the evidence

I’m testing and proving what I preach. That’s why the Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians, ‘I’m going to come to you, but I’m not coming puffed up as a greater speaker. I’m coming to you as one who has seen and demonstrated the Power!’ No one can deny, those early apostles were seeing and demonstrating the Power. The whole of the Acts of the Apostles is based on the demonstration and fulfilment of the Power which came on the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit fell. The whole testimony of the Book of Acts is of men going out and doing everything Jesus had promised! That’s been my life!

Faithful stewards of the Gospel

Faithful stewards of the Gospel

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 4.1, “Let a man so account of us as of ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. It is required of stewards that a man be found faithful!” So often in ministry we like to consider ourselves as evangelists, pastors and so on, but here, Paul is looking at it in a different way. He’s saying, all of us, as ministers of Christ, are stewards of the Gospel. And the requirement of a steward is that he should be found faithful! Whether you are a member of the congregation, or in ministry as a pastor, prophet or apostle, what counts is faithfulness in whatever God has called you to do!

Fishers of men

Fishers of men

Seek God’s direction and purpose for your life. In Luke 5, some of Jesus’ disciples had spent the night fishing on the Lake of Gennesaret but caught nothing. Jesus saw them from the shore and called out to them, ‘Let down your nets on the other side’. They did, and the nets broke! The moment you respond to the instruction of Jesus, you’ll pull in a tremendous harvest. All my life I’ve wanted to hear that voice behind me saying, “Do this, go there.” (Isaiah 30:21.) And after 70 years of ministry, I KNOW with certainty that His voice continues to give me direction and fruitfulness.

The Lord our Deliverer

The Lord our Deliverer

As we celebrate the 75th Anniversary of VE Day, I want to share my personal testimony of God’s faithfulness and deliverance at that time. I was a child through the War, 13 when my father took us to London to celebrate VE Day. God does preserve, and He will protect! God has sustained me through so many trials – and God will preserve us through this Coronavirus. He is the Lord our Deliverer. Yes, we will walk through many dark valleys, but He is the Good Shepherd, a present help in times of need.