1 Kings 17&18 Bible Study: If we obey the Word of God, what we have will not run dry until God fulfills every promise. There is a great responsibility on us to obey God; our obedience will affect unbelievers. If we as individuals, and collectively as the Church, are disobedient as King Ahab was in 1 Kings 16.33, then God's anger is roused. We are called to be 'salt and light'. Salt is a purifer and preserver; if the salt loses it's saltiness, it is of no use anymore. There is a danger today that the Church is abandoning the commands of the Lord to adjust to society; I cannot overemphasise this need to obey God's Word.
Possess all the blessings of God (Secret to 70 years of ministry)
I want you to possess all the blessings of God! The Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 1, ‘Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.’ To most of us, the ‘heavenly places’ are Heaven itself, something future. But what Paul is saying, is that God has blessed us NOW with all spiritual blessings – blessings which we should now be enjoying!
The Lord our Deliverer
As we celebrate the 75th Anniversary of VE Day, I want to share my personal testimony of God’s faithfulness and deliverance at that time. I was a child through the War, 13 when my father took us to London to celebrate VE Day. God does preserve, and He will protect! God has sustained me through so many trials – and God will preserve us through this Coronavirus. He is the Lord our Deliverer. Yes, we will walk through many dark valleys, but He is the Good Shepherd, a present help in times of need.
Live in the promises of God
A New Life of Blessing
You can enter into a new life of blessing. It is far more wonderful than anything you can imagine. But You’ve got to possess the blessings of God for yourself. Don’t be like the children of Israel who saw the Promised Land but never entered. Look at the blessings. Claim them for yourself. They are yours for the taking.
Join me for a Day of Prayer 8 September 2018
I believe that in this time of crisis in Britain, God is calling the church to pray for the nation. The Bible is clear in Psalm 133 that where there is unity, ‘the Lord commands the blessing’. That is why I am asking you and your church to support our major prayer event on Saturday 8 September 2018 at Central Hall Westminster.