
Entering the rest of God

Entering the rest of God

Hebrews Bible Study Chapter 4. Chapter 4 of Hebrews reverts to the theme of Chapter 3, the Promise of entering a Coming Rest. Paul writes, v1, ‘Let us fear therefore lest, a promise being left us of entering into His Rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.’ In v4, you see that Paul is linking this Rest to the Seventh Day of Creation. For six days God created – and on the seventh day, He rested from His Work. This is a picture of the 1000-year Rest, the Millennial reign of Christ on earth which still to come!

The faithfulness of Jesus!

The faithfulness of Jesus!

Hebrews Bible Study Chapter 3. 'Fix your thoughts on Jesus!' Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, He is our everything, He is all that you need. Our faith is not based on religion or ceremony, our faith is based on Jesus as our apostle and high priest. Who else do we need but Jesus?!

A great salvation

A great salvation

Hebrews Bible Study Chapter 2. We have received a great salvation through Christ, so we must be careful not to drift away. Only through faith in Christ are we saved: He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The message of Christ was first preached by those who witnessed the miracles, but like the original readers of Hebrews, we base our belief on eyewitness accounts.

The superiority of Jesus

The superiority of Jesus

Hebrews Bible Study Chapter 1. The first chapter of Hebrews describes in detail how Jesus Christ fulfils the prophecies of the Old Testament. In the past God spoke to His people by various means: Isaiah, in visions; Jacob, in dreams; whilst to Abraham and Moses, God spoke personally. But now God speaks through Jesus. Jesus is the fulfilment and culmination of God’s revelation. When we know Jesus, we have all we need to be saved and have a perfect relationship with God.