Promised Land

Entering the rest of God

Entering the rest of God

Hebrews Bible Study Chapter 4. Chapter 4 of Hebrews reverts to the theme of Chapter 3, the Promise of entering a Coming Rest. Paul writes, v1, ‘Let us fear therefore lest, a promise being left us of entering into His Rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.’ In v4, you see that Paul is linking this Rest to the Seventh Day of Creation. For six days God created – and on the seventh day, He rested from His Work. This is a picture of the 1000-year Rest, the Millennial reign of Christ on earth which still to come!

Entering Your Promised Land

Entering Your Promised Land

I want you to think on this, on the Red Sea with Moses and the River Jordan with Joshua. Because God says, as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. The God of Moses and Joshua IS with you, if you consecrate yourself and stand firm on His Promise. I’m very moved by Joshua Chapter 1, where God is speaking to Joshua after the death of Moses, saying, “Now therefore, go over this Jordan with the people and enter the Land I have promised you, as I said to Moses… Be strong and of good courage. Do not be afraid. No man will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not fail you or forsake you!” I take a lot of courage from this. Despite all the difficulties in life, and even though we make mistakes – I am very conscious of mistakes that I have made – yet God has always been with me and has never failed me.

The Lord will do great things!

The Lord will do great things!

We are living in the age when God is going to fulfil every single promise! That’s why I’m not looking at the negative, I’m looking at the positive. We’re living in a time, a generation, and an age, when God is going to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, and the whole earth will be filled with the Glory of God!

God is calling us to trust Him

God is calling us to trust Him

God is calling us to trust Him! I ask myself sometimes, which was the greater miracle, the children of Israel crossing of the Red Sea on dry land, or the total destruction of the crack troops of the elite Egyptian army, chariots and horses that raced in after them – it was like drowning tanks! So here, in Numbers 14, God is saying, “I performed all these miracles and still these people don’t trust in Me.” God is always demonstrating His Power, always calling us to trust Him – and He never, ever fails!

To me, the story of the 12 spies sent to spy out the Promised Land is a tremendous challenge to my faith. The children of Israel were still in the wilderness, and it had taken them a long time to get to this place. Now the command of the Lord to Moses is to pick twelve representatives from each of the twelve tribes, and to send them to see for themselves what the future was. I find this very interesting, because they were actually sent out to see the future! - And the level of their trust in God would affect whether they received the promise or not.