December 2021 Newsletter

Dear Ministry Partner

This is a wonderful opportunity to wish you and your family and loved ones a very Happy Christmas.

For many, 2021 has not been an easy year, but we have come through it safely. At least we are being allowed to celebrate this time. Last year tragically Christmas was in effect ‘cancelled’ although one cannot cancel the fact, merely the celebration. And after all, to most people in this day and age, Christmas is not about Jesus, and while it is family time, it is mostly eating, drinking and in general making merry!

Christmas should be about Jesus and the first angelic message which was ‘Peace on earth and goodwill to all men’! Although unbelievers will enter into the ‘spirit’ of Christmas festivities, there are religions and people who would defile Christmas, deny Jesus. So much so that we have to be on our guard against military or terrorist attack. I never forget the significance of the 1973 Yom Kippur War against Israel! This year it is the build-up of Russian troops on the Ukrainian border and the unholy alliance between Russia and China – which as I will show next year, is fulfilment of Bible prophecy.

For so many, Christmas is about celebrating a Baby, but the prophetic message of Isaiah in Chapter 9 was, ‘unto you a Son is given’ – a Governor, a Counsellor, a Mighty God, a Prince of Peace and a reigning King! He had to be born of a woman in order to live amongst us as a Man sent from God! Although He only lived here for 33 years, then ascended into Heaven – He is Emmanuel – still here with us. We walk with Him and talk with Him, He lives in us, in our hearts and minds, and His Name is Emmanuel – ‘God with us.’ His own promise – never to leave or forsake us!

I will spend Christmas with my family – only an opportunity to evangelise over the period would ever tempt me away. Because yes, there are some places where one must use a ‘religious festival’ as an excuse to hold a large gathering, as we have done before. However, although it was proposed to do this in Central Asia this year, time has not been sufficient, but it will probably be organised for Easter!

I have just returned from Nigeria, where attending a conference enabled me to spend time with my Russian-speaking staff from Central and Southern Asia, also one full day sharing with them and encouraging them – planning the coming year’s programme, even as early as February 2022. I have the invitation, the stadium is booked, they expect over 100,000 in a country I have never evangelised before! They believe that, just as the Lord brought a powerful nationwide revival to Russia, this country (which I dare not mention in advance), is the next to see a nationwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit. And significantly, I am not organising it, but they are expecting me as the evangelist!

The end of this year has been incredibly busy. Having returned from Nigeria, as this letter goes out to you, I am on my way to ministry in Germany. With prayer and a miracle, we shall succeed, despite Covid!

Next year I will celebrate my 90th birthday with the largest evangelism of my life. Three countries in Central and Southern Asia – National Prayer in Ukraine – Poland – and back in Israel! Like Moses, my eye is not dimmed, my strength not diminished – and my Vision grows larger and stronger! It seems that as I get older, the Fire within me burns stronger and, without question, the Power of God is increasing. I believe that this is necessary as the fight becomes stronger as we approach the ‘John the Baptist Period’ immediately preceding the Return of Christ – when we shall celebrate not a Baby but the King, Messiah!

I want to pray for you that you would experience God’s peace this Christmas. I am very aware that Christmas is hard for those who are lonely, bereaved, the sick, and for those who are separated from their families for whatever reason. I rejoice that my youngest daughter works with me in the ministry, but I also have a daughter who lives in Australia, and because of Covid restrictions, she has been unable to fly back to the UK, so I have not seen her in a long time. I am also concerned for the sick, that they would receive a healing touch from Jesus. Father I pray this Christmas for a peace which surpasses understanding, a time of rest and comfort. I pray for the lonely, that You would comfort them – that You would be a Father to the fatherless, a Husband to the widow. Grant that even in loneliness and separation there would be comfort, for You are Emmanuel, God with us. Lord Jesus, You never leave or forsake us. Bless us this Christmas in Your precious Name. Amen

Let us pray for Peace and Goodwill for this Christmas and that it will continue into the New Year!


‘Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now.’ (Philippians 1:3-5.) Thank you for supporting this ministry through your prayers and finance. We are grateful to all those who donate via Standing Order, and those who support anonymously. Because of your support the Gospel is preached each week on TV, Radio, Podcast and Online in multiple languages, and Russian Holocaust survivors and their families living in Israel receive humanitarian and spiritual support. Thank you!

Please consider making a special gift to support our work this month as we launch the work for 2022. You can give online, by bank transfer, cheque or by telephoning our office +44 (0)1924 453693.

What is the gift of faith, and how do we make it work in our lives? In David’s new book – A Faith… Beyond – he will show you through practical examples how you can live by a greater faith. The world has to see God’s Power – and He wants to use you as the demonstration! Jesus said, if you have faith, you will do GREATER works than He did! This book demonstrates how YOU can discover a FAITH …BEYOND! A faith which will take you beyond cancer, sickness and loneliness!