January 2024 Newsletter
Dear Ministry Partners
Our prayers are with you for the Lord’s blessing on your life during the coming year. Times are difficult. The danger of the two wars in Ukraine and Israel escalating, and political uncertainty in Europe, Britain and especially America, make for an uncertain future. Thank God, Jesus is coming back to take over the government of the world! Isaiah 9 is clear, ‘The Government shall be on HIS shoulders’!
But this presents us with the urgency of preaching the Gospel NOW while fresh doors are opening and there is still time. There are encouraging signs that young people are turning to Christ in greater numbers – we are certainly seeing this in our evangelism. I thank God all the time that He called me to be an evangelist and, interestingly, twice in a vision warned me not to allow anyone to stop me!
I have just returned from my first meetings of the year in Germany, working with a powerful ministry in Tubingen (which we have been associated with for over 30 years), now encouraging their next generation! It was especially encouraging to me to realise that some of their leaders were with me in Kyiv when the big miracles happened in the stadium in 1993! They are more keen than ever to continue working with us and help to expand our ministry in Germany.
Still in January, I shall be in ministering in Lisbon, Portugal, then on to Warsaw, Poland, as we continue our programme of evangelism in this needy country – we do not neglect our long-term mission field in Europe! In February I return to Switzerland for my special time of prayer on the mountains. In the New Testament, Jesus often went to the mountains to pray and draw near to His Father – just as in the Old Testament men like Moses and Elijah met with God on the mountains. Mounts Sinai and Carmel were so important. To me it is so interesting that I am linking the Old Testament and the New in this end-time ministry! In fact, our newest mission field in places like Armenia and Uzbekistan and all Central Asia are very much part of Old Testament Biblical history; Daniel is still revered everywhere here as a prophet and administrator by all religions, even after 3,000 years! This all was part of the Babylonian Medo-Persian Empire that Daniel prophesied about, foretelling Christ and the End Times. Daniel 2 and 9.
So, as you know, we are expanding into Central Asia and the Caucasus region, increasing the scale of evangelism in these former parts of the Russian Federation. Also, if Putin is removed, this will open up other parts of the Russian Federation which have been closed to us. Pray even about Chechnya, brutalised by Putin in 1999. Remember Grozny?
Our plans for this coming year are expanding as more and more requests come in. Following our God-given vision for Ukraine, we are actively planning another Day of Prayer in Kyiv for June. Provisionally we have permission to use the 10,000 seat Sport Palace, which we used until the war came, but we are also preparing in faith for a Victory Celebration. Don’t ask me for the date yet, although I am praying for this to happen in the near future. If Putin is removed, by God or man, many believe that Russia, which is actually a federation of smaller linguistic and cultural states, will break up. Chechnya is an example and Siberia and the whole Russian Far East (to which China lays claim).
We have an extremely busy programme to increase our evangelism in Georgia and Armenia, both of which are the oldest fully Christian nations in the world, although down through the centuries Greater Armenia was swallowed up and persecuted by Moslem nations and part of Georgia was even conquered by Islam. Islam threatens both nations still. This is the reason for the urgency of our evangelism to support them, and actively resist the attacks against them which are both from military and religious forces.
We will be working both in prayer and evangelism in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan this year. It is so significant that God Himself has opened these nations to the West, partly as a result of Russia’s war in Ukraine! They all know what God has done in the former Soviet territories, especially in the powerful Revival in Russia itself in the 1990s, as well as in Ukraine. All of this is fulfilment of the Prophetic Vision of Hudson Taylor the British missionary to China over 100 years ago in 1889, that the last great revival would begin in the Russian-speaking territories where I have been working for over 60 years. This revival I saw was not only in Russia and Ukraine, but also in other parts of the communist bloc, particularly in Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary. In Poland in 2012 and 2014 we could gather more than 90,000 people in one day! This is why I will be back in Warsaw at the end of January this year.
We desperately need both prayer and financial support. By a tremendous miracle in 1994 when I took teams of 400 to Siberia for 3 consecutive months, the estimated cost was over £2 million, yet God, by a series of miracles, paid everything! Not only that, but we spent one month in Belarus first, then the 3 months in Siberia, followed by another month in Ukraine! If God could work such a powerful financial miracle then, we need an even greater miracle now!
It is so interesting that those miracles were 30 years ago, I was just a young 62 years old when I went to Siberia! Now God is giving me a new lease of life, as if I’m ‘born again’. The Power of God in me is more powerful now aged 92 this year, than when I was 30 years younger! But I can only accomplish what God Himself is telling me to do, with a miracle of health and wealth! I know it is God, because otherwise it would be impossible! Why is it that, through God’s Holy Spirit, I have a bigger vision (not limited to Russia), and more fire than ever before?
The world is facing its biggest crisis for 90 years, since the 1930s. Political uncertainty, a world mountain of unsupportable debt, the biggest migration in history – millions of refugees, someone estimated that 70 million are on the move in the USA, Asia, Europe, worldwide. We are threatened with more than one mad dictator who could trigger the 3rd and final world war!
The last command of Jesus was to preach the Gospel, heal the sick and proclaim God’s Coming Kingdom! The world clock is only seconds from the end. The Lord is pleading with me, ‘Bring the multitudes in!’ I am pleading with you – HELP ME! We are running out of time. When the end time comes the Holy Spirit will be removed together with the saints – 2 Thessalonians 2 – then the Great Tribulation will come. We must preach the Gospel before this! There is a ‘night’ coming when no man can work!
Please join me in prayer and action: in this nation as we have the crisis of an election coming. Who will take over the control of this nation? It is the same all over Europe and in the USA. God help us!
Thank you for supporting the ministry through prayer and finance. ‘Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God’ (2 Corinthians 9:10-11).