February 2025 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Supporters

The time to evangelise is now. January was my first visit to Azerbaijan which, like Georgia and Armenia, is part of South Caucasus – all are former member countries of the old USSR where Christians were persecuted for their faith.

Permission to hold an evangelistic event in the capital Baku was a breakthrough in a country where 80% of the population are 'born Moslem'. Our invitation came from a young thriving church, 6 years old, Azerbaijani converts on fire for the Gospel! This church has lived through extreme persecution, which has given them acceptance and respect. The pastor said, “It's a very special time for our country, we expect a miracle, we must go through the open door!”

Our three evangelistic meetings were held in a packed Cultural Centre. The sense of God's energy, the dynamic Power of the Holy Spirit, was palpable throughout all three meetings - it was a breakthrough! The worship, preaching and the miracles of healing were broadcast live online. We left on the Monday. Next day, Tuesday, the Minister of Religious Affairs proposed to Pastor Emil that we take a stadium seating 5000, in Baku, 3-5 October this year! He had watched all our services online – and he liked them! The stadium is booked!

I have now just returned from my prayer time on the Swiss mountains – to prepare for what will prove to be a busy and a most turbulent year for us all – a year in which I will be celebrating 75 years in ministry – but importantly, looking forward to the next phase in my ministry!

I’ve always liked driving – which meant that on the outward journey I visited and encouraged friends in Luxembourg, and friends in Karlsruhe, Germany, who were the key to the success of our four East/West Conferences from 1988 to 1992. This is where my vision for Europe, Eurovision, really started and opened the door for the great revival which has swept through all the former Soviet countries! My time in Switzerland was very powerful. I learned so much in prayer for the coming years. The Lord spoke to me in a way He has never done before, and I was able to share some of this when, before leaving Switzerland, I ministered in the church in Geneva where I have my Swiss office. The Sunday worship was a taste of Heaven! On my journey home I visited our new German office. My Co-director of the German office is a pastor with a powerful ministry and active church. He has spent many years alongside another East European mission working in Ukraine and other former Soviet Countries.

Back home we are preparing our biggest time of evangelism in the former Russian-controlled parts of Central Asia. With local government support we are evangelising in Moslem areas and have permission to rent stadiums. That is a big miracle in itself. But we are going to need a massive financial miracle – because working in these areas in such a large scale is very expensive! I am setting aside time for fasting and prayer, and I encourage you to join me in asking the Lord to give us this financial miracle breakthrough. This year alone we need to increase our income by 30%.

God’s timing for me to work in Central Asia and South Caucasus is perfect, exactly as it was all those years ago when the USSR was breaking up and He took me into Ukraine and Russia! For a few years we were able to reach 80% of Russia and Ukraine with the powerful Gospel of Jesus Christ and incredible miracles of healing – filmed and transmitted live on TV, when there were only two State Channels for the people to watch, almost no cable or satellite TV!

But it was last week on the mountains in Switzerland that for the first time in 75 years I discovered the reason why I have experienced such incredible power in evangelism with incredible miracles. Reading the prophecy in Joel 2, I sense we are entering the final Revival before Jesus comes. The prophet speaks about ‘multitudes in the valley of decision’. I will share this Power and Anointing that we have, here in the UK in May and June this year, before disappearing off into Central Asia for the next 10 years!

Jesus tells of a Wedding Feast where the invited guests fail to attend. He instructs His disciples to go out into the highways and byways and compel the people to come in so that His House may be full. That’s why I am so desperate to win the lost, especially those of ‘false religions’ who have been deceived by Satan. Jesus tells of the five wise and five foolish virgins. Looking at the church today, sadly, one can see the division. Speaking of the Final Harvest, Jesus said the wheat and tares will grow together, almost indistinguishable – until the final ‘gathering-in’.

I am using my magazine and my weekly TV broadcasts to bring an urgent message to the Church, ‘Get back to the Bible’. The success of my ministry is based on two things – the power of prayer and a literal acceptance of everything in the Bible which is the ‘Word of God’. I will never forget Britain where my ministry is via the printed word and the internet. I will be speaking very strongly both in Harrogate on 17 May and in London on 21 June, especially to encourage young people. On my mission field in Central Asia, I preach to as many as 2000 young people at a time who respond and are becoming the future evangelists, leaders and pastors! Please make sure you register to attend one of my two 75th Anniversary Impartation Celebrations: eurovision.org.uk/celebration

God has so blessed my ministry from my teenage years, when I first preached in my church aged only 13 – you could even say I’m celebrating 80 years of ministry! And still I’m looking forward to the future – 10 more years in Ukraine and Central Asia, then back into Israel! Where I hope to be encouraging Jews to welcome Messiah’s return to the Mount of Olives!



Thank you for supporting this ministry through prayer and finance. Each week the Gospel is preached online and in-person. And Vadim, our Representative in Ukraine, assists those in need; the ongoing conflict has left families without food, water, shelter, and medical care. Innocent civilians – children, the elderly, and the most vulnerable – are in desperate need of assistance. Your support provides life-saving aid. Receive this blessing from Colossians 1:We always pray for you, and we give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. For we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and your love for all of God’s people, which come from your confident hope of what God has reserved for you in heaven. You have had this expectation ever since you first heard the truth of the Good News. This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God’s wonderful grace.’