The Power of God revealed

For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth (Romans 1:16, KJV)

We are facing an unprecedented crisis. This pandemic is a challenge to every Christian. God has an answer! So often I quote the Scripture from Romans 1:16, I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the Power of God! God is revealing His Power now! Whatever nation we live in, politicians and scientists do not have the answer, but God does!

I believe the devil is using the Coronavirus to bring a spirit of fear; I’ve never seen such fear before: even now as the Government is trying to lift the lockdown, the population is too fearful to return to work and send their children back to school; a fear of sickness and death, and yes, a fear of each other – a fear that other people are carriers of disease.

That is why we as believers must turn to Christ. As Christians we have a hope and assurance; our Kingdom is not here but in heaven; our glory is in heaven with Jesus.

I want to warn you: the devil will use what is happening to try and hinder the Gospel; at the moment the churches are closed for worship and funerals. Yes, it is wonderful that churches are using the internet and reaching the lost digitally. But it is a challenge to reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

2000 years ago, Jesus came into a nation which was under oppressive control by the Roman Empire. He brought a message of deliverance, hope, healing, peace, and restoration. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is more important now than at any time in our recent history. – This is why I preach Romans 1:16, I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because the Gospel has the power to solve every problem; the power to bring healing. God sent His Son into the world to reveal who He is: to demonstrate that He is a Father and loves us.

For this reason the Son of God was revealed: in order to destroy the works of the devil. (1 John 3:6)