70 Anniversary

Everything God does is a miracle

Everything God does is a miracle

I challenge you to begin to act in the power and authority of your faith. So many times I have had to face the impossible and seen God move in power, and I challenge you to begin to do it yourself! If we really knew our God and had a vision of Him, we would attempt the impossible and take the land! It is only this kind of vision which obeys in faith that will win the unbelieving nations and people, today.

How to see the Power of God in your life

How to see the Power of God in your life

I like to boast about the Power of my God because He is a God of miracles! Yes, God is a God of love, of compassion. But the God I know and serve, the God of the Bible, is not passive, but active on our behalf. A God of love, but also a God of Power. I have Christ IN me and I have the Holy Spirit IN me! That is the secret of 70 years of miracle ministry.

Driven by a Prophetic Vision

Driven by a Prophetic Vision

A Prophetic Vision is so important. I’m DRIVEN by a vision. DRIVEN by the vision God has showed me. My whole ministry, Eurovision, is literally a vision of Europe won for Christ! As Christians we talk a lot about revival – but I want to show you from Proverbs 29.18 that, without a clear vision, we won’t see revival. Revival begins from God as a manifestation of the Holy Spirit – but it usually comes because of someone’s vision in prayer. The whole of my life, right from the beginning, has been motivated by the vision God gave me of what He was going to do. And He has fulfilled everything! Prophecy is when God puts something in your spirit, and which you speak out, and it will happen in years to come. Vision is when God gives you a clear vision of what He and you can do together – and you have to go out and do it! Somebody has to get out there and fulfil the vision, fulfil the prophecy. This is the challenge of Proverbs 29.18, where there is no vision, the people will perish! Get a vision, act on it and God will be with you!

Possess all the blessings of God (Secret to 70 years of ministry)

Possess all the blessings of God (Secret to 70 years of ministry)

I want you to possess all the blessings of God! The Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 1, ‘Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.’ To most of us, the ‘heavenly places’ are Heaven itself, something future. But what Paul is saying, is that God has blessed us NOW with all spiritual blessings – blessings which we should now be enjoying!

Pray from your heart with faith

Pray from your heart with faith

To me, the most powerful prayers that I’ve read in the Bible are in the Old Testament. As Solomon kneels on that altar in 2 Chronicles 6, he’s crying out to God to FULFIL every Promise, to VERIFY all the Promises He has made! There should come a time in our own praying when we are calling on God to fulfil His Promises!!! This is why we need to pray over the Word of God! We need to SEEK the Word of God! Whatever my crisis, I SEEK God through His Word! God never, ever fails! God has never once – in all my 70 years of ministry – failed to keep the Promises He has made to me!

The miracles are the evidence

The miracles are the evidence

I’m testing and proving what I preach. That’s why the Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians, ‘I’m going to come to you, but I’m not coming puffed up as a greater speaker. I’m coming to you as one who has seen and demonstrated the Power!’ No one can deny, those early apostles were seeing and demonstrating the Power. The whole of the Acts of the Apostles is based on the demonstration and fulfilment of the Power which came on the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit fell. The whole testimony of the Book of Acts is of men going out and doing everything Jesus had promised! That’s been my life!

The Kingdom of God is in Power

The Kingdom of God is in Power

The Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 4.19-20, “I will come to you shortly, if the Lord wills – and I will know, not the speech of those who are puffed up, but the Power! For the Kingdom of God is not in words but in Power!” That’s an amazing statement! Paul is saying, the Kingdom of God is not ‘words’, but ACTION! It’s so easy to speak. It’s not so easy to act. I want you to become people of action, who put their faith into practice.

Faithful stewards of the Gospel

Faithful stewards of the Gospel

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 4.1, “Let a man so account of us as of ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. It is required of stewards that a man be found faithful!” So often in ministry we like to consider ourselves as evangelists, pastors and so on, but here, Paul is looking at it in a different way. He’s saying, all of us, as ministers of Christ, are stewards of the Gospel. And the requirement of a steward is that he should be found faithful! Whether you are a member of the congregation, or in ministry as a pastor, prophet or apostle, what counts is faithfulness in whatever God has called you to do!

Prayer is not rocket science

Prayer is not rocket science

I want to teach you how to pray and see miracles in your life. Romans 8 says, ‘When we know not what to pray for as we ought, the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us.’ Simply talk to God as you would a friend. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Miracles happen by the simple way in which we relate and communicate with Him. God is present, He’s the unseen guest, the silent listener to every conversation. I know God is there, He is listening. Before we ask, He’s already heard everything; He knows what is in our heart, what we think, what we want, what we need, but He wants us to put it into words. Lessons from 70 years of ministry: 'For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance.' (Part 17)

There is a solution to every problem

There is a solution to every problem

There is a solution! Whatever situation you are facing today, God will use it for His Glory. In John 9, as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. ‘And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him.’ Doubt is one of the enemy’s biggest weapons against the believer: in the Old Testament he said to Eve, “Did God say…?” The devil destroys faith by replacing absolute trust with doubt; this is still the biggest problem in people’s lives today. Faith only exists through trust in God and His Word. Lessons from 70 years of ministry: 'For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance.' (Part 16)