
Every kind of miracle is possible!

Every kind of miracle is possible!

If you put your trust in God, every kind of miracle is possible, not just healing, but whatever you need. Our God answers prayer – and He works miracles. I have seen every kind of miracle you can imagine: people born blind – God opens their eyes; broken backs – mended; cancers – healed; cripples – get out of wheelchairs. I’ve seen miracles that are not healing: financial provision; my own miraculous release from prison, and many others besides. I know these miracles will happen when I pray; I don’t have any question about it. It’s no different from knowing that every morning the sun will get out of bed and show itself at my window. God works miracles every day – but it’s for us to believe that He can, and will in our lives.

Jesus is our healer

Jesus is our healer

I have experienced two outstanding personal miracles of healing from cancer, both confirmed medically. In 1964 I was healed of cancer on my vocal chord and in 2003, healed of cancer in my right lung! Physical healing is an integral part of the atonement of Christ. It has been bought for us together with our salvation, through Christ’s suffering and death. Isaiah 53 states clearly: “He was wounded for our transgressions…And with His stripes we are healed.”

Paul and Silas in prison

Paul and Silas in prison

Acts Bible Study Chapter 16: This passage details the missionary journeys of Paul and his companions, highlighting several key events and their impact on the spread of Christianity. Throughout this chapter, the story demontrates the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the power of the Gospel to transform lives, and the resilience and faithfulness of Paul and his companions amidst persecution.

Confirming the Word of Grace through Signs and Wonders

Confirming the Word of Grace through Signs and Wonders

Acts Bible Study Chapter 14: This passage recounts the missionary journey of Paul and Barnabas to various cities in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). In Iconium, they face opposition but continue to preach boldly, performing miracles that lead to some conversions. However, a plot to stone them forces them to flee to Lystra and Derbe, where they continue to spread the Gospel.

Peter’s Miraculous Escape From Prison

Peter’s Miraculous Escape From Prison

Acts Bible Study Chapter 12: I learnt how to pray in that prison, I learnt to know God better there than in any Bible College or church meeting. I found a new reality, a new relationship with Him. All my life, it has been a journey, step by step. It was first in my teenage cry for God, then in my throat cancer, then in my prison that God touched my life and gave me a new power. Without that year in a communist prison, I would not have the ministry or the Authority I have today in the Russian-speaking countries.

From persecution to great joy

From persecution to great joy

Acts Bible Study Chapter 8: The Acts of the Apostles, with its challenges and miracles, demonstrates to us the work of the Believing Church, to prepare for and bring about the Kingdom of God on earth by sharing the Good News – the Gospel – in Power. Deliverance from sin and miracles of healing were the tools Jesus used. These, and the power of prayer, supported by our faith in God’s infallibility, the Holy Spirit working in and through us, are the Mission of the Church and you as part of God’s Mission!

Steadfast in faith and righteousness

Steadfast in faith and righteousness

Acts Bible Study Chapter 5: I remember the day when the Lord challenged me to serve Him. I was 15, on holiday on the South Coast of England, walking on the sea-front with some young Christians and I couldn’t enter into the fun that they were having because God was speaking to me – and the devil was speaking to me. The devil was saying, ‘Don’t listen, it’s OK, things are fine. You’re doing well – you got saved when you were 8, and you got baptised in water when you were 12, you started preaching at 13, that’s enough,’ and God was saying, ‘I want more.’ God was not calling me to be a preacher or an evangelist at that time, God was asking me to give my whole life to Him. Simply to give everything to Him.

The Power in the Name of Jesus

The Power in the Name of Jesus

Acts Bible Study Chapter 3: This is a challenge to you and me. It is the immediate follow up to the Day of Pentecost, when Peter, under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit, preached Christ for the very first time and 3000 were converted and baptised that same day! The new converts continued daily in the Temple, breaking bread together from house to house, praising God, having favour with the people – and the Lord added daily to the Church those that should be saved. Acts 2:41-47. I wish that this would happen today, daily!

All things are possible with Jesus

All things are possible with Jesus

For four days, we witnessed the mighty Power of God, not only in conversions, but also in mighty miracles of healing. Night after night, during that evangelism in Bulgaria, 1990, crutches were thrown onto the platform as people were delivered and walked out free. The blind, the deaf, the sick – all were healed. Revival swept from there – we travelled by road in broken down communist cars from church to church to church – the Power of God was falling – no time seemingly to eat, sleep or even drink a cup of tea! For two years the Holy Spirit moved across the whole of Bulgaria! Eighty new churches were opened as a direct result of that evangelism!

The healing power of Jesus

The healing power of Jesus

The healing power of Jesus: In Matthew 8, Jesus heals the centurion's servant. This story highlights Jesus' power over sickness and His willingness to heal. It emphasises the importance of faith, as the centurion's belief in Jesus' authority results in the miraculous healing of his servant.