The same Power that raised Christ from the dead lives on the inside of you! The Power of God doesn’t dwell in Temples, churches, or other ‘holy’ sites; the Power of God dwells with us; all the Power of God is literally within you! As the Bible says, ‘The Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us’.
Day of Prayer for Britain Prayer Points 26 January 2019
The Living God
When we don't know how to pray
Diagnosed with throat cancer in 1964, I faced a crisis in my life. I found myself constantly praying the same thing: "O God, I know You can heal, because of all the evidence of Your Word, as well as the other miracles which I have seen with my own eyes. But ... the problem is ... You can ... if You want to ... Is it Your will to heal me? All I am asking for is a positive yes or no." I picked up my Bible and read from Romans 8 verse 26, "We know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit himself maketh intercession for us ... according to the will of God." That was it! It came with certainty to me that God had said yes. I would be healed by a miracle.
My God is the greatest
Prayer List for Day of Prayer for Britain 8 September 2018
Never Give Up! Dramatic Healing Testimony
In March 2013, Anton, who had experienced a dramatic miracle ten years prior in Perm, Russia, stood on the platform with David Hathaway in Israel and gave his amazing testimony: how when he was living in Russia he was dying in hospital from gangrene in his leg and hepatitis; how his grandmother insisted David prayed with him; how David visited him in the hospital and told him not to allow the doctors to cut his leg off - although this would mean certain death. Yet, Anton believed God and the healing came.
Join me for a Day of Prayer 8 September 2018
I believe that in this time of crisis in Britain, God is calling the church to pray for the nation. The Bible is clear in Psalm 133 that where there is unity, ‘the Lord commands the blessing’. That is why I am asking you and your church to support our major prayer event on Saturday 8 September 2018 at Central Hall Westminster.
Prevailing Prayer
A God of Miracles (Healed of Throat Cancer)
I know Jesus is alive, I talked with Him this morning. The reality of our relationship with Christ is in knowing Him. I talk to Him, He talks to me. Receiving my healing from throat cancer many years ago led me into a more positive experience in my Christian life: the realisation that if God says it in His Word then He will always do it!