According to the Will of God, Part 2, (Romans 8)

According to the Will of God, Part 2, (Romans 8)

The Spirit helps us in our weaknesses, for when we don’t know what to pray for correctly, the Holy Spirit Himself makes intercession on our behalf, with groanings that cannot be uttered! There comes a time when the Spirit within us, who is transforming us, helps us! In v27, ‘He that searches the hearts, knows the mind of the Spirit!’ Here is the direct involvement and action of Jesus Himself, who searches our hearts, and knows our hearts, and at the same time, He knows and understands the mind of the Holy Spirit! Do you understand how powerful this is? Christ knows our thoughts, knows our desires, and at the same time He knows the desire and will of the Holy Spirit!

According to the Will of God, Part 1, (Romans 8)

According to the Will of God, Part 1, (Romans 8)

I want to talk to you on a subject which is very dear to my heart and encourage you to pray, based on a very strong and powerful experience in my life from Romans 8.

In 1964, as many of you know, I was diagnosed with throat cancer. I had refused ALL medical treatment. Yes, I had had the X-rays and the camera down my throat, many different tests, and every one of them confirmed that I had throat cancer. But I determined to pray my way through, in part because I was pastor of a church which had been founded on my evangelism and the miracles that took place in that evangelism. The miracles were recorded in the local newspaper – blind eyes, deaf ears opened, cripples healed! So I determined, NO medical treatment, I’ll fast and I’ll pray and God will heal me!

Called and set apart for a specific purpose (Romans 1:1-16)

Called and set apart for a specific purpose (Romans 1:1-16)

We are called and set apart for a purpose: it is a divine calling. We are to regard ourselves as a servant of Jesus Christ, following the Master’s Voice. Jesus Himself said, “Many are called, but few are chosen!” We need to serve in such a way as to be considered worthy of the calling of Christ.

God does what He says! (Jeremiah 32 & 33)

God does what He says! (Jeremiah 32 & 33)

God does what He says! When I am seeking the Lord in prayer over some specific issue, I want to see His answer in writing: I don’t want a ‘word’ or ‘impression’, I want it written in the Bible! Twenty years ago, when I was battling lung cancer, God gave me the clear answer that I would be healed from the very Scriptures that I want to share with you in this message!

The whole armour of God

The whole armour of God

We are in constant spiritual warfare – and God is calling us to fight! I want you to be strong, I want you to put on the full armour of God, so that together we can stand and defeat the enemy – and see the Glory of God, the Glory of Christ here on earth! What excites me is this – and the whole of this epistle to the Ephesians leads to it in 6.10: “Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might”! All these things Paul is telling us we have to do, whether it is putting off filthiness of the flesh, whether it’s being obedient as servants, whether it’s recognising and growing into the Body of Christ – and Christ is the Head – all of this is for a very strong reason, that we might be ‘strong in the Lord’!

Be imitators of Christ - How to be successful in ministry

Be imitators of Christ - How to be successful in ministry

It’s essential that we grow into the likeness of Christ, that we share His desire, His passion... It was only a few years ago, going on one of my prayer walks, I was saying, "Holy Spirit, You know more about Jesus than anyone, I want You to share with me the secret of how Jesus ministered, how He was successful in evangelism, how He was successful in the ministry of healing. Holy Spirit, I want to learn more about Jesus, I want to be more like Him."

The purpose of the fivefold ministry

The purpose of the fivefold ministry

I am moved by the very great depths of this letter Paul wrote to the Ephesians, and I want to pick up on Ephesians 4:11-13 where he is talking about the fivefold ministry of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. The purpose of this ministry is to bring the Church, the members of the Body of Christ, the ‘saints’ into the place where they can contribute in some way into the ministry, to ‘edify the Body of Christ’ – until we all come to a sense of unity in the faith, unity in the knowledge of the Son of God – into maturity!

God has a purpose in your adversity

God has a purpose in your adversity

We were created by God to fulfil a Purpose! In your life, God sees and God knows the future. I want to encourage you to seek the Lord. Recognise from Isaiah 30, that although the Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction in your life, your ‘teachers’ will not be removed from you, but you will continue to see the way through – and your ears will hear a Voice behind you saying, “This is the way, walk in it!” All my life I’ve heard that Voice. And today I’m hearing that Voice again, knowing that it gives me the confidence to live through the adversity and the affliction, because I have heard! Even in this God is saying, “This is the way, walk in it!” I pray God will give you the courage!

Fed by the bread of affliction

Fed by the bread of affliction

When you are a child of God, when you are walking in the Will and knowledge of God, many things which happen in your life – some of which may be painful now – are like an instruction, a teaching, to prepare you for the future! In Isaiah 30v20, ‘Although the Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction…’ I’m sensing, that although your life’s experience will be of adversity and affliction, yet they will become the very thing which God will use for His glory. When I look back on my life and my 70 years of ministry, it is very clear to me that in order to come to where I am today, the Lord had to take me through adversity. I would not be where I am, seeing the power of the evangelism and the phenomenal miracles unless I had had cancer twice and been in prison.