Christian Life

A miracle happened!

A miracle happened!

One of the first people that I saw healed was when I was a very young pastor and evangelist in England. Shortly after finishing college, I left the church I had pastored as a student, in Dorking, Surrey, and I was called to take over a church in Harrogate, North England, and prepare for an evangelistic crusade. I was only twenty years old. Soon after arriving, Mr Corker, one of the men in the church, 73 years old, became ill. He refused to go to the doctor until it was too late – they had to rush him into hospital where they diagnosed terminal cancer. He was so sick, they took away most of his stomach, gave him a catheter to pass the water, and a colostomy – and sent him home to die. A miracle happened!

Only the Gospel can change the world

Only the Gospel can change the world

The only thing that can change the world is the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Asked to pastor a church at 18, just three months after starting Bible College, and holding my first Tent Mission a few months later, I have seen the Power of God and miracles of healing from the very beginning of my ministry. After 72 years of ministry, why do I carry on with such passion? It is because I believe that all the Power of God is in the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! (Romans 1.16).

Stand firm in the Lord

Stand firm in the Lord

We have lowly bodies, subject to weakness, sickness, hunger, thirst, and temptation – of course we do! Who is not subject to temptation? But when we receive our heavenly body, it will be a resurrection body – absolutely free of all these limitations! “Therefore,” Paul continues in Phil 4:1, “my brethren whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, STAND FAST in the Lord!” This question of ‘standing fast’ is a reminder that despite our weaknesses, we must remain true to our faith.

Knowing Christ and the Power of His Resurrection

Knowing Christ and the Power of His Resurrection

“My heart’s desire is that I might KNOW CHRIST, AND THE POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION, and the fellowship of His suffering, being conformed to His death – that I might attain to the Resurrection of the Dead!” Phil 3:10 has always been marked in my Bible. It’s one of my favourite parts of the New Testament! Ultimately, this life is nothing, length of life is nothing (I’m 90!) – because I will live forever with Christ!

The Road to Glory

The Road to Glory

In such struggles and conflicts that we have, Paul says in Philippians 2, the key is to be like Jesus. We have to seek and to know what God’s Plan and Purpose is. In my praying to God the Father, I pray through Jesus – He is the Intercessor. He lives to make intercession for us. None of us is perfect. I’m not perfect. We all fail. It’s because of our imperfection that Jesus is the Intercessor – He paid the price for our sin!

How to seek God

How to seek God

How do we seek God? King David wrote, ‘You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.’ The Psalmist knew how to seek God. I leant to seek Him through my cancer diagnosis, in my imprisonment. It is not about how much you pray, I want you to have the assurance that God has heard your prayer. God has heard your prayer and He will answer. For so many reading this, you have prayed for so many years, I want to encourage you, God has heard your prayer.

God fulfils every promise

God fulfils every promise

God never fails! Being a believer longer than most, I’ve experienced many problems - cancer, and have spent a year in prison for the Gospel - but my testimony is: in all my life God has never failed me once. My life hasn't been easy, but He is faithful.

Call upon the Lord from where you are

Call upon the Lord from where you are

Call upon the Lord from where you are. Moses encourages the people in Deuteronomy 4.29, ‘If from where you are… you will seek the Lord your God, you WILL find Him, if you seek Him with ALL your heart.’ So, in the midst of every distress, fear, want, even sickness – whatever situation you are in – there you will find God!

Winning through service

Winning through service

Paul commands in Phil 1:28, “In nothing be terrified by your adversaries!” I have had to learn this over the years. However extreme the circumstances, I have such a sense of comfort, consolation, joy and peace in Christ. My confidence, my trust is in Him. I’ve been one year in a communist prison, faced cancer twice, had my business stolen from me. But never have I suffered fear! I believe my every extremity was allowed in order to fulfil a greater purpose.

Living for Christ and the Resurrection

Living for Christ and the Resurrection

“Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will perform it until the Day of Christ Jesus.” In this verse the Apostle Paul is referring to the Power of the Holy Spirit in us who believe. This is so important, because the more I study the life of Christ, the more I realise the influence and the Power of the Holy Spirit working in Him, in His life and ministry. Just as the disciples had to wait in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit came, before they could begin their ministry, so Jesus Himself did not begin His powerful public ministry until after He had received the Holy Spirit! Matt 3.16-17; Mk 1.9-12; Luke 3.21. That same Holy Spirit who was in Christ should be in us! And the Holy Spirit who has begun working in us, will continue until the Day Christ returns! (Bible Study of Philippians)