
The Holy Spirit is the down payment of our inheritance in Christ

The Holy Spirit is the down payment of our inheritance in Christ

When we receive the Holy Spirit, He, is the ‘earnest’, or literally the foretaste, of our Inheritance in Christ! This means that although we don’t get the full Inheritance now (this comes fully when we get into the Kingdom), through the Holy Spirit we already have what I like to call the advance or the ‘down payment’ on the Inheritance!

Delivered and chosen by God

Delivered and chosen by God

God has delivered and chosen you so that you will receive an inheritance through Christ! You are not an accident, God made a choice, a decision, He saw you and wants you to be His own! 'The Lord has taken you and brought you out of the iron furnace, out of Egypt, to be His people, an inheritance, as you are this day' (Deuteronomy 4.20, KJV).

Authority over the works of the enemy

Authority over the works of the enemy

Many people talk about ‘spiritual warfare’. To me this is the ability to come before the Lord in prayer, receive power, then get out there where the action is. In order to do this, we need to know who we are in Christ and what authority and power we have. If we are going to respond to the enormous challenge which is facing us today, we need less words and more action. Surely anyone who actually realises that they have power and authority and who also knows their God is going to get out and DO IT.

A God of Miracles

A God of Miracles

I believe in a God of Miracles! When I think of the number of troubles I have had – being in a communist prison for a year; having cancer twice – God uses every circumstance to His glory! But you have got to WANT the miracle! Why do I see miracles? I WANT miracles, I LIVE for miracles. I live to see the Glory and the Power of God! Often it’s difficult, but I won’t give up, I won’t let go of God until He works the miracles, because God cannot fail.

Signs of the times - Be not afraid the Kingdom of God is near

Signs of the times - Be not afraid the Kingdom of God is near

I want to speak encouragement to you, because difficulties we are all living through due to Covid, but not only that, in the last few months there’s been very serious flooding in Britain, and even worse in Germany and Holland – unprecedented. And massive floods in China, which they claimed were the worst in a thousand years. On the other side of the world in America, vast fires in Oregon, out of control, smoke so dense you could hardly see. And the same in Siberia! It does look as if there are strange things happening. But I want to turn you to Luke 21. Jesus said, “When you hear of wars and commotions, don’t be terrified!”

Built on the Rock of Christ Jesus

Built on the Rock of Christ Jesus

We must get back to the Authority of the Word of God. We have no other foundation. If you build your life on any other foundation than the Authority of the Word of God, you’re building it on sinking sand. But we, as the Word says, are built on the Rock, which is Christ Jesus.

God is calling us to trust Him

God is calling us to trust Him

God is calling us to trust Him! I ask myself sometimes, which was the greater miracle, the children of Israel crossing of the Red Sea on dry land, or the total destruction of the crack troops of the elite Egyptian army, chariots and horses that raced in after them – it was like drowning tanks! So here, in Numbers 14, God is saying, “I performed all these miracles and still these people don’t trust in Me.” God is always demonstrating His Power, always calling us to trust Him – and He never, ever fails!

To me, the story of the 12 spies sent to spy out the Promised Land is a tremendous challenge to my faith. The children of Israel were still in the wilderness, and it had taken them a long time to get to this place. Now the command of the Lord to Moses is to pick twelve representatives from each of the twelve tribes, and to send them to see for themselves what the future was. I find this very interesting, because they were actually sent out to see the future! - And the level of their trust in God would affect whether they received the promise or not.

Faith under pressure is more precious than gold

Faith under pressure is more precious than gold

I want to show you from three different authors – Paul in Hebrews, then James and Peter – what faith is. A faith that doesn’t give in, that doesn’t buckle under pressure. We need a faith that doesn’t bend, a faith that is constant and reliable – even when it goes through the ultimate test! God is consistent and stable. Our faith has to be anchored in that – in the stability, in the consistency of believing and knowing God! Somehow we have to understand and accept THIS challenge in the day in which we live in NOW! Whether it’s through sickness, or through persecution, or through whatever is happening in your life – through it all we have to realise that holding onto God by faith is the way into the Kingdom!