Holy Spirit

The first and latter rain of the Spirit

The first and latter rain of the Spirit

God has promised to pour out His Spirit on all flesh in the last days. Many individual believers, churches and even nations are waiting for revival, believing for the latter rain as spoken by the Prophet Joel. I believe we are living in that day! God wants to stir us into action; that is why He allows the crisis! Today we are facing the greatest challenge ever to the church and indeed to our faith.

Consecration through Fire

Consecration through Fire

I want to challenge you to live in the Fire of God, to re-consecrate your life to Jesus. When did you last hear God speak and you replied, “here I am Lord”? When Moses said, “Here I am”, God began to deal with him. The spark from the Fire got into the soul of Moses, restored and commissioned him to deliver Israel. I want that Fire in my life. I want something new from God. I want to get into the Fire where it’s hot; I want to fell the heat, the power and the glory of God.

God wants to fill you with Fire

God wants to fill you with Fire

God wants to fill you with His Fire, to send you out as witnesses to His greatness. God will take what is in your hand and use it as the demonstration of His Power. Don’t be afraid of the wonders He does; don’t run away or shrink back in fear. Grab hold of God and see what He will do through you! Lessons from 70 years of ministry: 'For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance.' (Part 4)

The secret of power now

The secret of power now

The Scripture teaches, ‘Christ in you, the hope of Glory.’ - That is the secret to 70 years of ministry. I have Christ in me, and I have the Holy Spirit in me. He, the same Spirit who raised up Jesus from the dead, who was in the Apostles Paul and Peter, that mighty, miracle-working power of the great God I am boasting about, is in me now, and He has been in me for over 70 years! I cannot receive any greater power than that I already have, in me now! Lessons from 70 years of ministry: 'For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance.' (Part 3)

The power of believing in Jesus

The power of believing in Jesus

There is immense power available to those who believe. The Scripture teaches that the same power which raised Christ from the dead lives on the inside of you! When you believe, this is the evidence: you will lay hands on the sick, and the sick will be healed: not just headaches or bad backs, but every kind of sickness! - That is the power of believing in Jesus. What a wonderful person Jesus is: He is the Son of God; He loves you; and He is going to work miracles in your life, beginning with forgiving your sin.

As you have believed

As you have believed

Our God answers prayer - and He works miracles. I have seen every kind of miracle you can imagine: people born blind, God opens their eyes; broken backs are mended; cancers are healed; cripples get out of wheelchairs. - I’ve seen miracles that are not healing: financial provision; my own miraculous release from prison, and many others besides. I know these miracles will happen when I pray; I don’t have any question about it. It’s no different from knowing that every morning the sun will get out of bed and show itself at my window. God works miracles every day - but it’s for us to believe that He can, and will, in our lives. - It is in accordance to our faith.

For the Glory of God

For the Glory of God

I only live for one thing; I only live to see the Glory of God. I’m not going to die, nor will I grow old and weak, because I live in the Glory of God. I live in the Power of God. I learnt many years ago not to live in my own strength, but to live in the strength and Power of God. My hearts cry is the same as Moses, ‘Lord, show me Your Glory’ (Exodus 33:18). I desire to see His Power and Glory (Psalm 63).