Holy Spirit

How to receive an answer to prayer

How to receive an answer to prayer

“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much”! ‘Effectual fervent’ means this is very powerful prayer. The Greek word often used for powerful is ‘dunamis’. We’ve borrowed this word into English as ‘dynamo’ (to generate electricity, power, to run your home, your car); and as ‘dynamite’ (a very unusual explosive which doesn’t waste its energy on the open air, but pushes the wall down, breaks open the rock face). So when we’re talking about prayer, your prayer must not be wasted on the air, but like dynamite, it must be dynamic enough to move the mountain out of the way! To move the sickness! To move the obstacle! If your prayer is not doing this, it’s not doing its job!

You will receive Power!

You will receive Power!

Today the Baptism of the Holy Spirit seems to have lost the significance of the Biblical experience. When people are prayed over to receive the Holy Spirit and they then speak a few words in tongues – that’s not it! Jesus said, in Acts 1:8, “You will receive POWER when the Holy Ghost comes on you!”  Do we really understand the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?

Discovering the greatness of God

Discovering the greatness of God

All my life I've desired to see the greatness of our God. I want to explore His greatness and discover more of His Power. The older I become, the more I understand who God is. For 16 years I was a pastor, but at heart I was an evangelist. Even when I was at school I was evangelising; I led my teacher to Christ, and two of the boys in my class became preachers. ‘For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.’ (Romans 1.16, KJV)

I've experienced the Power of God

I've experienced the Power of God

How will you see miracles in your life and ministry? By faith in the name of Jesus. It is through power of the name of Jesus and the faith which comes through and from Him, that will work miracles. I've experienced the Power of God all my life; I was baptised in the Holy Spirit when I was 13, now 77 years later, the Power of the Holy Spirit is stronger in me now than it was back then.

The Power of God revealed on earth

The Power of God revealed on earth

Thirty years ago God gave me a prophetic vision concerning Russia and Ukraine. It was in 1986 that God spoke clearly. He told me that the Iron Curtain that had separated East and West Europe for so long would be melted by the Power of the Holy Spirit and that a new great move of the Spirit would sweep across the whole of Europe, uniting East and West, that this would not be an act of man, but a sovereign act of God moving in such demonstration that we would recognize it as only God's Power.

How to see the Power of God in your life

How to see the Power of God in your life

I like to boast about the Power of my God because He is a God of miracles! Yes, God is a God of love, of compassion. But the God I know and serve, the God of the Bible, is not passive, but active on our behalf. A God of love, but also a God of Power. I have Christ IN me and I have the Holy Spirit IN me! That is the secret of 70 years of miracle ministry.

How you can have Power in your life

How you can have Power in your life

I want to show how you can have Holy Ghost Power in your life. Writing in Ephesians 1v11, the Apostle Paul speaks of the ‘inheritance’ we have received in Christ, being predestinated according to the Purpose of Him who works all things according to His Will! Paul writes in vv12‐13, God has chosen us to be the ‘praise of His Glory’, we who first trusted – IN CHRIST! All of this is coming about because of our trust IN CHRIST!