I believe that in this time of crisis in Britain, God is calling the church to pray for the nation. The Bible is clear in Psalm 133 that where there is unity, ‘the Lord commands the blessing’. That is why I am asking you and your church to support our major prayer event on Saturday 8 September 2018 at Central Hall Westminster.
Prevailing Prayer
The Power of Forgiveness
A God of Miracles (Healed of Throat Cancer)
I know Jesus is alive, I talked with Him this morning. The reality of our relationship with Christ is in knowing Him. I talk to Him, He talks to me. Receiving my healing from throat cancer many years ago led me into a more positive experience in my Christian life: the realisation that if God says it in His Word then He will always do it!
Healed of Cancer
The Scripture teaches that Jesus healed all who came to Him. Jesus is not only able to heal you, but He also has the desire to heal you. He wants you to be well and live a healthy life. In 2003, I was diagnosed with Lung Cancer, and God worked a miracle; this is my testimony and encouragement for you.
How to get an answer to prayer
When I was praying over my lung cancer in 2003, one passage was such an encouragement. In Jeremiah 33 God speaks to the prophet: at the time Jeremiah was locked in a prison – He wasn’t sitting in luxury watching a televangelist, he was in a prison! – And God says, “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”
The Glory of Jesus
‘And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.’ What a miracle, under the rules of the Temple, Jews had to continually make sacrifices to atone for their sins, but the Bible says Jesus died once to forgive the sin of the world to set us free! God sent His Son Jesus to redeem you and I; and God glorified Jesus by doing this.
Full of joy
I want to declare the glory of Jesus. Put your faith in Him. He has power to heal, deliver and set you free. As you turn to Jesus, He’ll fill you with unspeakable joy. When Peter healed the lame man outside the temple in Acts 3, the man was so full of joy, he began leaping and praising God: God can do the same for you.