I want you to know who Jesus really is, to experience His love and power. The amazing thing about blind Bartimaeus is that despite his blindness, he ‘saw’ Jesus - he recognised Him as the Son of God with power. My prayer is that God would open your eyes so that you would have eyes to see and ears to hear: to know in whom you have believed.
Declaring the Glory of Jesus
Healing touch of Jesus
One touch from Jesus and all that hinders you will be removed. When Jesus healed the leper in Matthew 8, in that one touch he was cleansed, healed and restored; that one touch removed the stigma and shame of his condition. That one touch brought emotional and physical healing. When Jesus healed the blind man in John 9 with one touch, his testimony of “once I was blind but now I can see”, not only changed his life, but all those around him.
Jesus has power on earth
Jesus has power, not just in heaven but on earth. Why do I pray ever day? Why do I pray so much? Because God is listening. He hears. He answers. Do you realise how much God loves you? Jesus said to the paralytic, “So that you may know I am the Son of God - that I am not lying or deceiving you; so that you may know the reality and truth - get up and walk!” God has given us this same power through the Holy Spirit.
Jesus forgives every sin
Jesus has forgiven every sin: the sins of the past, the sins of today, and the sins of tomorrow. That is the miracle. No wonder Jesus said to the man sick of the palsy, Rejoice, your sins are forgiven! We all have a reason to rejoice today: we are forgiven and redeemed; set free from the curse of sin. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Gap between life and death
There is a very narrow gap between life and death; the difference between the two is so small. The Bible says that we walk through the valley of the shadow of death: in life we walk through death, in death we experience life. How do we experience this life? Jesus said He is the resurrection and the life, whoever believes in Him, though he is dead, yet shall he live.
You have received an inheritance
Through Christ we have received an inheritance; we have obtained this because Jesus died and rose again. What does this mean? It means you can receive the forgiveness of sin; that the curse and the power of the devil is broken; your healing, is part of this inheritance; all the promises in the Bible are part of the inheritance you have received from Jesus. You have been blessed with every spiritual blessing, all because of this inheritance.
Firstfruit of new life
I know who Jesus is
Your faith moves mountains
When you are in distress; when nobody will help you; when you have nowhere to go; if you will call upon the Name of the Lord, He will help you. All it takes is faith as small as a mustard seed to move mountains. You don’t need to go to a pastor, prophet or teacher - some person of great renown and faith - you have enough faith to be saved, healed and delivered.