
Jesus dwells with us

Jesus dwells with us

Jesus is Son of God yet Son of Man. He came down to earth to live amongst us. Jesus understands our frailties, that is why He stands before the Father interceding for us: just imagine, He is praying for you right now. Jesus doesn’t change: the Jesus we believe in, is the Jesus of the Bible. Just as He sought people out to fellowship with them in the Gospel, so if He were to walk into your town today, He would seek you out.

How did God heal me?

How did God heal me?

If God did not heal you yesterday, it does not mean He cannot heal you: God can! My God is a God of miracles! God has power and He can heal you. When I had lung cancer in 2003, I went to the Word of God and God completely healed me - no operation, no treatment - I only had God and the Bible, and that is all I needed to confound the doctors. They were shocked, they didn’t believe God. But I do, I believe in a God of power, of miracles!

This one thing I know

This one thing I know

Sometimes we hear about terrible events: accidents, sickness, financial trouble; why do these things happen? Why do we have sin? Why do we have accidents? Because man rebelled against God. But God so loved you, He sent His Son into the world to break the power of the devil and set us free. We can’t always explain or understand the ways of God, but as with the man healed in John 9:25, “One thing I know: though I was blind, now I can see.”

Alive with Power

Alive with Power

Do you believe God can work a miracle in your life? All you have to do is say ‘Yes’ to His Will. But there is a big difference between knowing in your head and knowing in your heart. You cannot trust somebody you do not know. I want you to know in whom you have believed - and then God can work the miracle. ‘And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, He will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.’ (Romans 8.11, NLT)

As you have believed

As you have believed

Our God answers prayer - and He works miracles. I have seen every kind of miracle you can imagine: people born blind, God opens their eyes; broken backs are mended; cancers are healed; cripples get out of wheelchairs. - I’ve seen miracles that are not healing: financial provision; my own miraculous release from prison, and many others besides. I know these miracles will happen when I pray; I don’t have any question about it. It’s no different from knowing that every morning the sun will get out of bed and show itself at my window. God works miracles every day - but it’s for us to believe that He can, and will, in our lives. - It is in accordance to our faith.

Jesus is calling you

Jesus is calling you

Rejoice, Jesus is calling you. If I could offer one encouragement, I would tell you to rejoice, to be of good cheer. Jesus came to seek and save the lost. What does that mean? Jesus is calling you; He wants to lift you up and carry you home. he has heard your prayer and is asking, “What do you want Me to do?”