We need a spiritual re‐awakening! Pentecost was the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples. The significant sign of the arrival of the Holy Spirit was and is speaking in tongues – and a very strong move of evangelism. We all know what happened on that first Day of Pentecost, but let’s look in Acts 2:16, where Peter speaks to the gathered crowds. Peter’s meaning and understanding of Joel and the outpouring of God’s Spirit must encompass what Joel refers to as the ‘former’ and the ‘latter’ rain!
Searching for more of the Holy Spirit
If we believe we are living in the last days, we need the Holy Spirit desperately! The reason I first received the Holy Spirit was because I knew I had to preach the Gospel – with lives changed, souls saved into the Kingdom! I was searching for something which does not come from men, the real power of God. If you want to be effective in ministry, you MUST be filled with the Holy Spirit! There is a danger today that we do not understand the reality of what the baptism in the Holy Spirit means.
Living for Christ (Philippians 1 Bible Study)
We are called to live for Christ through the Power of His resurrection. It is the Holy Spirit which empowers us for ministry and Christian living. Jesus Himself had to be baptised in the Spirit before He entered into Ministry, and for us, it is this same Holy Spirit which was in Christ, that will infill us and make us perfect and complete at the return of Christ.
Effectiveness of a powerful faith
Faith has been the motivation behind my life! Right from the beginning I’ve wanted to please God. When I received the Holy Spirit aged 15, I knew 1 Corinthians 12 says there are nine gifts, and Paul says choose, covet the best gifts… I can pray in tongues ‘more than anybody’, I can prophesy. But the one gift I wanted more than any other was the gift of faith.
The ever increasing Power of God
In the Old Testament there is such a level of faith in the promises of God – strongly revealed right through every part of the Scripture! Read the famous chapter on faith, Hebrews 11, it is referring to the Old Testament, the stories and miracles of the prophets! Look how powerful the miracles in the Old Testament were for those who believed!
Faith ignited by Works
Faith is ignited by Works. In James 2.22-23, we see Abraham combined his faith with what he did: his faith was made perfect, it was imputed to him for righteousness, and he was called the friend of God! Oh, that this might be said about us! “You see,” James says in v24, “by works a man’s faith is demonstrated, and not by faith alone.” Faith HAS to be followed by fact. “For,” v26 “as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is DEAD also.” The ‘works’ are the very spirit that give LIFE to the body of ‘faith’. God bless you.
You will receive Power!
If you want to be effective in ministry, you MUST be filled with the Holy Spirit! There is a danger today that we do not understand the reality of what the baptism in the Holy Spirit means. In Acts 1:5 Jesus said to His disciples, “You have been baptised in water, but you’re about to be baptised in the Holy Ghost!” – It was to be the power to change their lives.
The Glory and the Fire of God, Part 1
Seeing the problems in the world today, I want to look at what happened in those famous verses, so often linked with revival, when Solomon had finished building the Temple. 2 Chronicles 5.13-14 tells us, when the musicians were as one, praising and thanking the Lord, and saying, “He is good and His mercy endures forever,” – the House was filled with a cloud, so that the priests could not stand to minister, for the Glory of the Lord had filled the House!