“My heart’s desire is that I might KNOW CHRIST, AND THE POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION, and the fellowship of His suffering, being conformed to His death – that I might attain to the Resurrection of the Dead!” Phil 3:10 has always been marked in my Bible. It’s one of my favourite parts of the New Testament! Ultimately, this life is nothing, length of life is nothing (I’m 90!) – because I will live forever with Christ!
The Road to Glory
In such struggles and conflicts that we have, Paul says in Philippians 2, the key is to be like Jesus. We have to seek and to know what God’s Plan and Purpose is. In my praying to God the Father, I pray through Jesus – He is the Intercessor. He lives to make intercession for us. None of us is perfect. I’m not perfect. We all fail. It’s because of our imperfection that Jesus is the Intercessor – He paid the price for our sin!
Living Sacrifice - Holy and Pleasing unto God
God so impressed Romans 12:1 on me when I was a teenager: ‘I beseech you to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.’ God is talking about normal service, nothing exceptional – for every believer – the norm. Today the churches are talking about being normal, taking care of yourself, not working too hard… But the challenge is ‘reasonable service’ – giving your whole life as a ‘living sacrifice’! Everything! God didn’t call me to be an ‘evangelist’ or a ‘preacher’ – He said He wanted ALL of me!
Authority over the works of the enemy
Many people talk about ‘spiritual warfare’. To me this is the ability to come before the Lord in prayer, receive power, then get out there where the action is. In order to do this, we need to know who we are in Christ and what authority and power we have. If we are going to respond to the enormous challenge which is facing us today, we need less words and more action. Surely anyone who actually realises that they have power and authority and who also knows their God is going to get out and DO IT.
The challenge of repentance and relationship
The challenge today is to repent. If there is no repentance, no transformation you don’t have Christ. That’s why we have believers’ water baptism by full immersion – you are buried with Christ through baptism, and you are born again into the Kingdom of God! In Acts 17, Paul and Silas continue their missionary journey and come to Thessalonica, where Paul begins discussing and debating with the Jews in the synagogue. He’s preaching Christ, who suffered, died – and rose from the dead. The teaching of the New Testament is centred on the resurrection and our need of repentance! - ‘Repent and be baptised for the remission of sins.’
Built on the Rock of Christ Jesus
Faith is demonstrated by what you do!
Faith is something practical, it’s substance, evidence – of ‘something’. But remember, right from the very beginning, we’re ‘saved by faith’. But by faith in what? We’re not saved by ‘having faith’… We’re not saved from sin ‘simply by faith’ – we’re saved by faith in Christ! It’s faith in Him, it’s specific. It’s very strong! I’m looking at the practicality of faith, at the evidence – not just because we nominally believe in something – but faith that is demonstrated by what we do! Not just by what we say, but by our ACTIONS.
Called and set apart for a specific purpose (Romans 1:1-16)
Driven to make a decision
When we trust God, our bread and water, the basic necessities, everything we need for life, will always be there. The Power and the Anointing of the Holy Spirit will never run dry. It doesn’t matter how much I use the Holy Spirit, how much I pray, how many miracles I see, that precious cruse of oil of the Holy Spirit will never, ever run out. God’s supply is inexhaustible. I KNOW that! I have no fear of the future. I have no fear that the miracles of the past will diminish and go away. God has promised that He will never leave or forsake us, so we may boldly say: "The Lord is my helper; I will not fear."
Consecration through Fire
I want to challenge you to live in the Fire of God, to re-consecrate your life to Jesus. When did you last hear God speak and you replied, “here I am Lord”? When Moses said, “Here I am”, God began to deal with him. The spark from the Fire got into the soul of Moses, restored and commissioned him to deliver Israel. I want that Fire in my life. I want something new from God. I want to get into the Fire where it’s hot; I want to fell the heat, the power and the glory of God.