
Searching for more of the Holy Spirit

Searching for more of the Holy Spirit

If we believe we are living in the last days, we need the Holy Spirit desperately! The reason I first received the Holy Spirit was because I knew I had to preach the Gospel – with lives changed, souls saved into the Kingdom! I was searching for something which does not come from men, the real power of God. If you want to be effective in ministry, you MUST be filled with the Holy Spirit! There is a danger today that we do not understand the reality of what the baptism in the Holy Spirit means.

The Power in the Name of Jesus

The Power in the Name of Jesus

I want to talk about the Power that is IN THE NAME OF JESUS. We learn so much from Philippians 2.4-9, “Look not every man on his own interests, but on the interest of others. Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God (one with Him), thought it not robbery to be equal with God. But he made himself of no reputation and took on the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men… He humbled Himself, and became obedient to death, even to death of the cross. Therefore – because he humbled Himself and was obedient to His Father, obedient even to death, this gave Him a position that nobody else can attain – therefore God has highly exalted Him and gave Him a NAME WHICH IS ABOVE EVERY NAME!

Jesus prays for you!

Jesus prays for you!

I want to encourage you that if you commit your life to the Lord and if you are hearing God’s Voice and doing what He says, God will not only watch over you and protect you, but the things the devil is trying to do to harm you, He will turn ultimately to His Glory.

The Lord will answer your prayer

The Lord will answer your prayer

There are periods in our lives when it seems God is not answering. But that does not mean God is not there, that He’s not listening. My father always used to say, that in the laws of physics, every action has a reaction. Every wave is followed by a trough. And every tough is followed by a wave. He taught me, our emotions and experiences vary. But under pressure, we mustn’t think God is not listening to us. The communist prison was the worst time in my life – yet God used it to work one of the biggest miracles in my life! When I look back, I thank God for that time! Like Habakkuk, there are times when we have to go through the despair, “How long will I cry and You will not hear?!”

How to grow your faith to see miracles

How to grow your faith to see miracles

If you want your faith to grow, you’ve got to nurture it, practice it, act on it – and it will grow! That’s what has happened in my life. How did I have the boldness in the prison to pray, “Lord, 2000 years ago when Paul and Silas were in prison, You worked a miracle, broke down the prison walls and set them free. If You could do it for them, You can do it for me, get me out!”?!! I prayed like this, not just because I knew the Scripture, but because, in the back of my mind, it was only 8 years after my throat cancer had been miraculously healed! Because of this I could say, “Lord, You delivered Paul and Silas, You healed my throat cancer – and You can get me out of prison!” You see, my faith grew – experimentally!

The Lord will do great things!

The Lord will do great things!

We are living in the age when God is going to fulfil every single promise! That’s why I’m not looking at the negative, I’m looking at the positive. We’re living in a time, a generation, and an age, when God is going to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, and the whole earth will be filled with the Glory of God!

Jesus is our healer!

Jesus is our healer!

I love to see God heal people that the doctors cannot help! To me, the real miracles of healing are when doctors have tried to heal and failed, then God takes over and by a miracle does what the most expert of doctors cannot do. I have seen many people healed of broken bones and the effects of accidents, especially young people, and many other young ones born blind, deaf, crippled, where medical science can do nothing.

Healed by the Hand of God

Healed by the Hand of God

I carry in my body the mark of God's Hand! So often, the reality of our faith is only when it is put to the test and we don’t back off. YOU can live in the miraculous – YOU can command every mountain to move! We need men and women on Fire with the Power of God, with the faith to believe that we serve a God of miracles! I HAVE to see – I declare I WILL see – bigger miracles tomorrow than anything I have ever seen in the past!

Built on the Rock of Christ Jesus

Built on the Rock of Christ Jesus

We must get back to the Authority of the Word of God. We have no other foundation. If you build your life on any other foundation than the Authority of the Word of God, you’re building it on sinking sand. But we, as the Word says, are built on the Rock, which is Christ Jesus.