
Effectiveness of a powerful faith

Effectiveness of a powerful faith

Faith has been the motivation behind my life! Right from the beginning I’ve wanted to please God. When I received the Holy Spirit aged 15, I knew 1 Corinthians 12 says there are nine gifts, and Paul says choose, covet the best gifts… I can pray in tongues ‘more than anybody’, I can prophesy. But the one gift I wanted more than any other was the gift of faith.

The miracle of answered prayer, Part 3

The miracle of answered prayer, Part 3

Don’t be discouraged. I want you to get a Vision of what God can do in and through your life! Get into your ‘watchtower’ and pray until God answers you and shows you His Power and His Glory! O Father, open people’s eyes, let them get into that place in the ‘watchtower’ where You answer them when they cry to You, “How long are You silent?” O God, be not silent, but show Your Power and Your Glory! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

The miracle of answered prayer, Part 2

The miracle of answered prayer, Part 2

Looking back over more than 70 years of ministry, seeing the difficult times I’ve been through – God has never failed me! There have been ups and there have been downs in my life, but as the Bible said, "The Lord answered me!" Sometimes in our lives we need the patience to wait for the fulfilment of God’s Promises.

The miracle of answered prayer, Part 1

The miracle of answered prayer, Part 1

There are periods in our lives when it seems God is not answering. But that does not mean God is not there, that He’s not listening. The communist prison was the worst time in my life – yet God used it to work one of the biggest miracles in my life! When I look back, I thank God for that time! Like Habakkuk, there are times when we have to go through the despair, “How long will I cry and You will not hear?!”

God wants to show His Power in your life!

God wants to show His Power in your life!

God wants to show His Power in your life! He will use your affliction - that sickness or calamity - and turn it into a demonstration of His Greatness. Regardless of the reasons for our suffering, Jesus has the Power to solve it. Don't be so concerned with the 'Why' in your life, fix your focus on the 'Who' in your life - Jesus!

God speaks through signs and wonders

God speaks through signs and wonders

We are all familiar with the story of Moses and the burning bush, but I want to look at the conversation between God and Moses. What most intrigues me about the passage found in Exodus 3&4, is that this appears to be a genuine conversation between the two of them. There is a fascinating description of the relationship between God and Moses found in Exodus 33.11, 'The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.' O that God would speak to us this same way!

The ever increasing Power of God

The ever increasing Power of God

In the Old Testament there is such a level of faith in the promises of God – strongly revealed right through every part of the Scripture! Read the famous chapter on faith, Hebrews 11, it is referring to the Old Testament, the stories and miracles of the prophets! Look how powerful the miracles in the Old Testament were for those who believed!

Walking on the waters of affliction

Walking on the waters of affliction

We all experience the waters of affliction. In your life and mine, there are many times when we need the power of God to deliver. God’s timing is perfect, coming at the darkest hour, when the storm is at its fiercest, and our need is the greatest. Jesus said, "I will be with you always." Every day, every hour, in the middle of every storm, in the middle of every sickness. There’s never a moment when He is not there.

Jesus prays for you!

Jesus prays for you!

I want to encourage you that if you commit your life to the Lord and if you are hearing God’s Voice and doing what He says, God will not only watch over you and protect you, but the things the devil is trying to do to harm you, He will turn ultimately to His Glory.

The Lord will answer your prayer

The Lord will answer your prayer

There are periods in our lives when it seems God is not answering. But that does not mean God is not there, that He’s not listening. My father always used to say, that in the laws of physics, every action has a reaction. Every wave is followed by a trough. And every tough is followed by a wave. He taught me, our emotions and experiences vary. But under pressure, we mustn’t think God is not listening to us. The communist prison was the worst time in my life – yet God used it to work one of the biggest miracles in my life! When I look back, I thank God for that time! Like Habakkuk, there are times when we have to go through the despair, “How long will I cry and You will not hear?!”