God’s Power is without limit. The same God who will heal the sick can calm the raging storm; with Him absolutely nothing is impossible. Ephesians talks about the surpassing greatness of His Power which is available to those who believe (1:19). When I had cancer, God healed me; when I was in prison, God set me free! - It all begins when we believe.
Jesus came for you
Behold, I stand at the door and knock... Jesus is calling for you. Don't let fear, pain and heartache keep you from Him. We all have problems in our lives, that is why God sent Jesus to live as we live. You are a child of God. Jesus is calling you by name. Just as blind Bartimaeus was named after his father Timaeus, so you carry your's Father's Name. You carry His resemblance, His presence: you are made in His image.
Bible Promises
There are many wonderful promises in the Bible. YOU - can claim those promises for your own life! They were not given to just a small group of people, these promises are for you. I want them to become part of your life. These are great and precious promises: promises which reveal the heart of God toward us.
You are predestined
Everything I know about the Bible, and everything I know about God, can be summarised in this: with God, nothing happens by accident. God knows in advance; our steps are ordered; we are predestined. With God nothing happens by chance. Everything God does is for a purpose, by design, and with foreknowledge.
In His Name we trust
There is one Name above all other names: I love to boast about the Name of Jesus. What a powerful Name, the Name of Jesus! The Bible says that in that Name Gentiles will trust - that is you and me! In His Name is healing, deliverance, restoration. Your miracle is found through trusting in the Name of Jesus.
Waiting on God for a miracle
If you want a miracle, if you want the blessing of God in your life, there must come a time when you are still, when you wait upon God for the miracle to happen. Sometimes you can’t change the future until you change the past: so much of your today is because of how you lived yesterday; that is why God offers forgiveness, healing and restoration.
The Power of Faith and Authority
Do you want to know the secret of an overcoming victorious life in Jesus? In Matthew 8 when Jesus healed the centurion’s servant, he spoke with Jesus about the power of faith and authority. When you speak with faith and command in authority, mountains move! Your sickness will leave by the power of Jesus Name!
Jesus is ready to help
The power of believing in Jesus
There is immense power available to those who believe. The Scripture teaches that the same power which raised Christ from the dead lives on the inside of you! When you believe, this is the evidence: you will lay hands on the sick, and the sick will be healed: not just headaches or bad backs, but every kind of sickness! - That is the power of believing in Jesus. What a wonderful person Jesus is: He is the Son of God; He loves you; and He is going to work miracles in your life, beginning with forgiving your sin.